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I was roughly grabbed by the throat and thrown down onto the ground.

I looked up at my tormentor with watery eyes. "Why are you crying, pup?" He sneered.

Josh. Joshua Dun. The next in line for the Alpha of our pack, the Blue Moon. He is three years older than me, and much bigger, taller and definitely meaner. 

"What? Can't speak?" He laughed as he kicked my side and knocked me back down again. 

I gasped as all the air was knocked out of my chest. Josh continued laughing as I wheezed and struggled to get air back in my body.

"Josh! Where are you?" A delicate voice called. I know who it belonged too. 

Debby came around the corner and her eyes widened at the scene. "Joshua Dun, who do you think you are to treat your pack members this way!" I felt her soft hand lift me up by my upper arms, and I lazily found the lockers to help hold me up. 

"He's nothing but an omega. We cannot have weak wolves in our pack." I could feel the heat of his glare as I stared at the ground. 

Who knew school floors could be so dirty?

I also heard a slap, and I looked up to see a fuming, red-faced Debby and a red cheeked Josh.

"Without omegas, you wouldn't be as nearly taken care of as you are now. Without omegas you wouldn't even be here. Strength is nothing compared to knowledge, which you seem to lack. We'll talk about this more after your party tonight."

Debby turned me around and led me gently out of the school, leaving a stunned Josh.

After all, it's not every day where a girl has the balls to slap an Alpha.


"No, no way in hell am I going." I crossed my arms and sat on my bed. The music vibrating my bedroom floor was getting really annoying. 

"Technically, you don't have a choice. The party is right downstairs and its going on right now. Just have a little fun tonight." Debby wiggled her eyebrows.

"Debby, you don't seem to understand my definition of fun. My definition consists of eating till I have some sort of food baby while binging the office." I explained.

"But Tyler, its just one party. And you're going." She grabbed my wrist as I protested, and pretty much dragged me downstairs.

Blaring music hit my ears and the smell of drunk teens flooded my senses. I barely had time to look around as Debby brought me to the pack house kitchen and poured me some sort of alcoholic drink.

I brought the cups to my lips reluctantly and the drink burned its way down my throat. But I couldn't seem to get enough of it as I swallowed another gulp.

I stayed in the corner of the kitchen for a while, watching people dancing and making out. This party most certainly wasn't my scene. Debby left to go talk to her friend Jenna. I brought the cup to my lips again, but this time nothing came out. 

Now sad that I've finished my drink, I set down my cup and I didn't want any more. Plus I was getting sick of waiting for Debby to come back, so I made my way out of the kitchen to go find her and Jenna. 

Walking into the main room, a sweet and musky smell hit my nose and my wolf started whining. 

'Calm down Cyprus.' I told him, but he didn't stop whining. 

I looked around and my eyes landed on very familiar Mocha eyes I could never forget.

'Mate!' Cyprus howled. 

Joshua's eyes widened as he started to make his way towards me. 

That's when I turned and ran. 

I pushed my way through sweaty bodies and got scolded by high teenagers, but I didn't care. My eyes found a hallway and I turned and ran to it. 

I found an open door and almost had it slammed closed until a foot blocked it's path and it was pushed back open. 

Josh fought me and easily won his way into the room, and shut and locked the door. Nothing was no longer separating us, and most of all, protecting me.

'Stupid door not doing its job. It was supposed to close with just me in here, not the two of us.'

Josh saying something to me snapped me out of glaring at the door.

"Mate." He then pulled me into his firm chest and his, quite amazing, smell engulfed me. 

I felt his lips on my neck and trail up to my ears. 

'Yes! Mark him!' Cyprus urged me.

'No! Run run run run run!' I tried to push Cyprus to the back of my mind, but his horny self was too much and I blacked out as he took full control.


God, it's so warm. I tried to bury myself further into his chest.

Wait, what?

I shot up so quickly and saw Josh.

I screamed and fell off the bed, hurting my back even more. 

Oh god, did we just sleep with the Alpha? oh no, oohh noooo

I heard him groan and sit up.

"Who in the hell is screaming..?" His groggy morning voice sent chills down my spine. Oh, curse the stupid mate bond.

He looked around and found me pretty much hyperventilating on the floor. Naked. 

Well isn't that just fabulous.

"Tyler?" He looked at me confused for a moment before his eyes widened with what I assumed was realization, that A) we were mates and B) we were naked.

'Wow, just look at his body.' Cyprus purred

His admiring was quickly put to a halt from the next sentence that came from Josh's lips.

"I can't have a weak omega as a mate. I, Joshua Dun, future alpha of the blue moon pack, reject you, Tyler Joseph as my mate."

My heart burned and my body felt numb all at the same time after he finished his sentence. But that didn't stop me from putting on a piece of clothing I found, and running out of the room and far away from him.

Running - Joshler  ✓Where stories live. Discover now