Chapter 25

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It was the day of my Luna Ceremony, and needless to say, I was very nervous.

"Arina, please stop whining and put this on." I huffed in frustration. I was trying to put on a really cute silver dress on her, but she was just not having it.

"No! I don't want to wear that!" She cried.

"Arina, put it on now! Don't make me say it again." I warned, but still, she shook her stubborn head.

"No!" She challenged.

I grabbed her wrists and attempted to put them through the sleeves, but she got out of my hold and accidentally hit my bump, hard.

I let go of her wrists and took a few deep breaths. It wasn't anything serious to harm the baby, but I still needed to calm down for a moment.

"Ty, why don't you go get ready. I'll take care of Arina." I hear Josh walk in the room.

"Fine." I mumble. I stand up from my crouch position and turn to head out her room door, only to be stopped by josh's arms pulling me into his chest.

"Calm down ty. Stressing is bad for the baby." He whispered in my ear.

"Sorry. I'm just, going crazy tonight." I replied.

He pulled me back just enough so I could look up at him.

"Tonight is going to be great. Just focus on one thing at a time, right now it's getting you dressed and ready." He calmly tells me.

I open my mouth to protest, but he quickly kisses me before anything can slip out.

"Go get ready. I can take care of Arina." He whispered as he pulled away.

I look into his eyes, and found worry in his gaze.

Not wanting Josh to worry about anything tonight, I just nodded and gave a small smile.

"Great. Now go get ready." He let go of his hold on me, and I left Arina's room.

"Don't let her bribe you into anything! Just get her changed." I called out behind me.

"I won't." I hear him respond.


I cuff my sleeves and look at myself in the bathroom mirror.

The white pants fit nicely, my light shirt draped over my torso nicely. It covered my bump very nicely. I didn't look too bloated.

My hair was slicked back and I had the smallest amount of mascara on.

"Tyler?" I look out the bathroom and see Abby and her other sister Ashley.

"You ready?" Abby asks me.

I hesitate before I nod.

"Alright, let's get you going. Josh already started talking to the pack." Ashley, who was coordinating this entire thing, chimed in.

"Lead the way." I say softly.

I follow them out to the backdoor, which was blocked by black curtains, so they didn't distract the pack.

"Alright, ty. Ready?" Ashley asks.


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