Chapter 22

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If I thought that Josh always had his hand on my stomach before I told him I was pregnant, boy was I wrong. Although it quickly got annoying in the mornings when I had to rush to the bathroom, it was actually comforting.

When I showed him the ultrasound photo of our tiny jellybean, he insisted that we put it in a frame and with the other photos on his dresser.

He has also been crazy persistent that I go to the pack doctor with him for a checkup. Which I should probably do anyways.

"We can go right now." Josh suggested. He was leaned back in his office chair, and I was sprawled out on the couch.

"Mm to tired." I mumble.

"Cmon ty. It's about time where you should go see a doctor again. Every three weeks right?" He said matter-of-factly

I didn't want to go, because I believed he would think I was fat. I was starting to get self conscious of my body.

Again, I knew it was ridiculous and just the hormones talking, but I genuinely couldn't help it.

And with those thoughts, I started crying.

Josh quickly got up out of his chair and came over to me. He moved me so I was in his lap, my chest pressed against his.

I cried into his shoulder.

"What's wrong? I need you to tell me so I know how to help." I could tell he was slowly getting tired of my constant crying.

I shook my head and tried to calm myself down.

He pried my head away from his shoulder.

"Tyler, tell me." He commanded. Ah shit, he used his alpha tone.

"You're going to think I'm fat." I tried my best to swallow that, but I couldn't.

Josh just smiles and shook his head. "There's a difference between being fat and being six weeks pregnant. Or just pregnant in general."

I sigh and bite my lip. He was right. I knew I was just being ridiculous. I started crying again.

"What now?" Josh grabbed a tissue and started wiping away my tears.

"I told myself I was being ridiculous but I continued to think that and now I'm officially an idiot."

"Ty, you are not an idiot. And you are not being ridiculous." Josh kisses my nose.

"Now, lets go get you to the pack doctor."


"Josh, what a surprise!" I follow Josh into a room that honestly doesn't look like a medical room at all.

"Who's this?" I see a guy, about early 20's, with very light brown hair, and light blue, almost white, eyes. He was a few inches shorter than Josh, but still taller than me.

"Grant, this is Tyler, my mate. Tyler, this is Grant, the pack doctor." Grant gives me a smile and reaches out his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He says as I take his hand to shake it.

"You too."

He drops my hand. "So, why are you guys here?" Grant begins.

"Tyler is expecting. And we were just wanting to do a checkup." Josh wraps his arm around my waist and I scoot closer into him.

Grant nods. "Alright, well tyler, lets get you comfortable on the bed. I'm going to have to ask you to lift up your shirt and lower your jeans just a little."

I nod and hop up on the bed.

Grant pulls out a similar machine to the one Doctor Carlyle had.

Josh takes my hand and gives me a quick kiss.

"Alright, the gel will be cold." Grant gives me really no warning before he squirts it over my bloated looking stomach.

I shiver from the cold, and Josh squeezes my hand in comfort.

Grant turns on the machine and takes the wand, placing it just above my naval.

He moves it around, and unlike taking forever like my previous doctor, he finds my baby pretty quickly.

"Alright, you look around 6-7 weeks, am I correct?" Grant asks me.

"Yep." I nod.

"Have you been taking any prenatal vitamins?"

"I have."

Grant nods in approval. He moves the want around a little bit to get a somewhat better angle.

"Alright, it's that tiny white dot. About the size of a sweat pea if that helps." He points to the white dot.

I already knew what I was looking at, but Josh probably didn't.

I look over to watch his expressions, and his eyes are glued on the screen. I see the corners of his mouth form the softest smile.

Grant presses a button and suddenly I hear our baby's heartbeat echo around the room. I still keep my eyes on Josh, and I see his eyes tearing up.

I have never seen josh really cry. So this was mostly a shock to me. I brought my hand up that held his, and kissed the back of it.

"Do you want a pho-" Josh interrupts Grant.


Grant just chuckles and presses the button again that ceases the heartbeat sound.

"Alright, make sure you continue taking the vitamins. Everything is looking healthy and just fine."

I nod.

"Any questions?" He looks between me and Josh.

"Is there a set due date?" I ask.

"Around early April. A good guess is April 8th." Grant explains.

I nod, because that seems about right.

"If he ok to shift into his wolf?" Josh's voice suddenly seems deeper, and I notice his eyes are full gold.

Ah, so Bandit came through.

I hear Cyprus purr in delight.

"He should be fine until his eight month mark. After that it will be risky." Grant smiles.

Bandit nods, and his eyes go back to the familiar brown I've grown to love.

Grant hands me a napkin to wipe off the excess gel on my stomach.

Relieved to finally not feel so self conscious anymore, I pull down my shirt and sit up.

"And here are the ultrasounds. I printed a few of them off for you." He hands then to Josh, and I lift my body so I can see them as well.

"Thank you, Grant."

"My pleasure. I hope you have the good rest of your day, Alpha and Luna."

I tense up.

I never really have gotten the Luna title, officially. I haven't been introduced to much of the pack from the Luna Ceremony that should happen whenever a new Luna arrives.

But was I ready to hold the title?

I'm not sure.

(Sorry guys, feeling somewhat of a writers block today! I need to ask you all a question though. Please give your opinion on what gender you would like the new baby to be! And suggestions for multiples will be ignored. They are just having one. So leave a comment on which gender you would like.



Have a great day!)

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