Chapter 29

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About a month has passed since I was in the hospital and we found out the gender of our baby.

I knew I was going to love and be excited about the gender either way, but I was really excited.

One thing that didn't make me excited though, was that Kai hadn't broken his silence yet. Sleep deprivation didn't work, and we are now barely feeding him. Just enough to get by. Me and Josh both decided we don't want to resort to silver and wolfsbane, but we might have too.

Also my shoulder was almost completely healed. I did have to make sure that I put some medical ointment on it every night. I have full range again and it's no longer hurting.

To get my mind off of everything though, it was Arina's birthday.

"What kind of cake do you want?" I look at a gleaming Arina through the mirror as I do her hair.

"Sprinkles and ice cream!" She exclaims.

"Woah, sprinkles and ice cream? You're crazy." I tease.

"But I want sprinkles inside the cake." Arina plays with some Bobby pins on the counter in front of her.

"That's even crazier! How about the frosting? What color?" I finish her second braid.

"Orange because you call me pumpkin." She simply shrugs.

My heart just melted.

"Alright, Orange it is," I quickly kiss her cheek, and she giggles.

"Alright, I'll tell grandma. Go play with your friends." I lift her off the step stool and she quickly runs out of the bathroom.

I quickly put hairspray in my hair and go to the kitchen, where I'm met with my mom.

"She wants an ice cream funfetti cake with orange frosting." I say.

"Awesome. Can you help me with the frosting?" She quickly starts getting the ingredients all prepared for the cake batter.

"Yeah, sure." I go around the kitchen grabbing the things for the cream cheese frosting.

One thing that Arina does not like, is whipped cream. So no way am I making her a whipped cream frosting.

"So tell me why again, that Arina doesn't like whipped cream?" My mom asks.

I shrug. "Well she doesn't mind the flavor, but she can't stand the texture."

"Well, whatever Arina wants she gets today." I laugh at my moms statement.

I start mixing in the orange color when Dallon walks in. "Hey tyler, I need you to come with me."

I stop mixing. "Why?"

"It's Kai." He tells me.

I look at my mom, and she nods, as if to tell me to leave.

I leave the kitchen and follow after Dallon into the underground cells.

It doesn't smell good down here. It's dark as well.

Cyprus growls when Kais scent hits our nose.

We walk past the cell Kai is usually in, which caught me off guard.

Dallon leads me to the back room which wasn't a cell. Mainly used for many other purposes.

He punched in the numbers on the keypad to let us in, and as soon as I stepped in the room, two warriors stood closely to my side.

I saw Kai bloody and chained on the ground. It looked like his right shoulder was dislocated. Tons of scratches littered his face and body, and I almost cringed at the sight.

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