Chapter 10

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I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked alright.

Josh told me to wear something comfortable, and warm. So I had on a grey sweater that was just a size too big, black skinny jeans and black adidas shoes. My hair was in its normal style, fluffy.

I walk out of my bathroom and turn off all the lights.

I walk downstairs and I'm met with a pouting Arina.

"Can I go with you and Jish?" I smile and bend down.

"Not this time. But we're going to be back soon, I promise. You just need to be good for Grandma tonight. Do as she says, and we can go get ice cream tomorrow. How does that sound?"

Arina's face lights up. "Can Jish get ice cream with us tomorrow?"

I smile. "Only if grandma tells me you behave, then we can get ice cream and bring Josh along."

"Oh really, we have plans to get ice cream now?" Josh's voice jumps in, and I stand up and turn around. "Maybe. Only if Arina behaves tonight."

Josh bends down and whispers something in her ear, and she giggles.

I raise an eyebrow. Josh stands up and holds out his hand. I stare at it for a moment before I hesitantly take it.

"Alright, let's go, shall we?"

I feel the truck stop at some rocky and uneven place.

"Alright, take the blindfold off." I hear Josh instruct.

I smile before I take it off, and I'm confused as to why I see a forest. I always see that.

"A forest?" I look over to Josh.

He laughs. "No. Just hang on."

He gets out of the car and quickly comes over to my side and opens the door for me. I get out and give him a weird look, before he turns me the opposite direction.

I'm stunned when I'm met with a beautiful view of the city.

"I thought we could watch the sunset, and have some gourmet food in the back of the truck?" He motioned me to follow him. When I did, my smile grows as I see many blankets and pillows covering the back of the truck, with a Taco Bell bag full of food in the middle.

"Gourmet food?" I snicker and look at Josh.

"Hey, Arina told me it was your favorite besides waffles. And in my opinion, whatever your favorite food is always gourmet food." He explains, and gets in the truck bed.

He helps me up and I get comfortable and watch the sun go down. "I raised a smart kid."

He smiled at me, but I could still sense the sadness his eyes held. "You did."

Josh hands me a chalupa while he takes a Taco, and we start getting to know each other, while the sun was setting.


"And then Arina got so mad, she pushed the boy into a pool." I have a hard time explaining because I was already laughing so hard at the story.

Josh laughed, and after a little bit he paused to admiring me.

I was growing used to him doing that.

"I have a serious question for you." He tells me.

I stop laughing and look at him. "What might that be?"

He fiddled with his hands in his lap. "I know you already gave me an answer on this, but I was wondering if you would consider letting me tell Arina I'm her father?"

I crossed my arms. "I'm still on track to leave in two weeks Josh. What do you think Arina will do if she knows you're her father and we have to leave?" I ask.

"Really? You're still planning to leave? Even after everything that happened yesterday and today?" He sounds very hurt.

"Yes, Josh. I still plan to leave. And Arina already has an attachment to you, that it will be hard enough to have her come with me when we go. It's going to be worse if she knows the truth." I explain.

Josh looks down at his hands and nods.

"I'm sorry." I tell him. I truly was. Yes, things have been starting to turn around, but I still didn't plan to stay here.

"I..." He starts but nothing follows.

"I should have never let things get this far already. It's best if we just go back to the pack house now." I crawled through the truck bed and got down.

"Tyler-" I hear him.

I'm so stupid. You should've never let it get this far.

A hand on my upper arm turns me around and I'm met with a sorta out of breath Josh.

"I really like you. So much actually. And you don't have to tell me the same, and you can still leave. I'm just worried what will happen to you if you do,"

I felt my eyes start to water up.

"We've been in the same house for the past week and you've shut me out. I know it's put you in pain, because it's also put me in pain. Just imagine what will happen once you're three hours away."

I shake my head. "I'll be fine. You'll be fine and we can just go on with our normal lives, and how they used to be before this all happened."

His hands move up to my cheeks.

"I won't be fine. I like you so much, that I won't ever be okay again."

And with that, he presses his lips on mine.

I tense up at first, but relax quickly. His lips start to move, and I follow.

I thought whenever he touched me the sparks were intense, but those were nothing compared to the fireworks I feel now.

I feel all of his feelings, even ones he hasn't already told me. He pulls away for some air, but as soon as he gets a breath in, I pull him back.

Our previous conversation completely disappeared from my mind as I felt him against me. He felt absolutely and utterly addicting.

Reluctantly, we pull away from each other. "Let's get back to the pack house?" He offers

I smile.


Josh takes my hand and we rush up the stairs and into his room.

He closes the door and pushes me up against it. He leaves a trail of kisses down my neck and I swallow a moan.

"Josh..." I pant

He stops and meets my gaze.

"As much as I want to, it's too fast for me right now." I tell him.

He nods with understanding. "Then we can just make out until we're both tired, if thats alright."

I laugh. "That's fine."

I squeal as he lifts me up and gently throws me on his bed. He climbs on top of me and captures my lips in a kiss yet again.

He nips my bottom lip, and I tease by not opening my mouth.

I feel him let out a growl and nip my bottom lip again, to which I still keep my mouth shut.

I feel his hands on the back of my thighs and he flips us over, so I'm now straddling him and on his lap.

I feel his hand trail up to my hips, and I let out a gasp, which was a mistake.

He slips his tongue in and I start to fight him, but he easily wins.

We make out for I'm not sure how much longer, before we both grow tired, and I fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me.

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