Chapter 24

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I was laying on the couch, watching a show called The Society, while watching Arina play with a few of her toys.

I had some of the Ceremony plans near me to look over, but I was currently dealing with hip pain.

You see, when you're pregnant, your hips move and expand in preparation to give birth. And even though I was used to bone pain during shifting, it only lasted a few seconds, not hours on end.

"Hey Tyler!" Dallon came bounding into the room.

"Dallon? What are you doing here?" I moved to sit up to see him.

"I'm moving in with Brendon. I don't want to be away from my mate. Plus I get to bother your ass more." He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Language. Arina is in the room."

"Oh shit, sorry."


"Fuck I didn't mean it!"

"Dallon I swear to the goddess I will shank you if another vulgar word even peeps out of your mouth in front of my four year old." I threaten

Dallons eyes went wide and he mimicked zipping up his mouth, locking it up and throwing away the key. He moved to the couch and moved my legs so he could sit with me.

"How have you been?" He asks, concerned.

"Moody. Hungry. Sleepy. The usual. How about you?" I groan.

He chuckles. "Not moody, hungry or sleepy, but I am hangry."


"You know, hungry, angry. Boom. Hangry." He explains.

"Oh well that's just a constant mood." I think out loud.

"Dally!" Arina squeals and runs to Dallon. Dallon smiles and picks up Arina and sets her in his lap when Arina ran over to him.

"Rinrin! How's my favorite girl in the entire world?" He pokes her nose.

"I'm good! I'm going to be a big sister!" Arina giggles.

Me and Josh told Arina about the baby a few days ago. It went...okay. If you count throwing a tantrum and having to calm her down with Nemo and nuggets 'okay'.

Dallon gasped dramatically. "No way! Where is your brother or sister?!"

Arina shrugged. "Mommy said a weird bird would bring it. But it's also in his tummy. How does that work?"

Dallon looked back at me, an eyebrow raised, and a knowing look on his face. "Yeah Ty, how does that work?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh fuck off."

"Language!" Arina and Dallon scolded at the same time.

"Jeez, Sorry."

"What's going on in here?" I turn my head and strain my neck a little to see Josh walk in the room over the back of the couch.

"Mommy's saying bad words." Arina ratted me out.

"No I'm not." I retort.

"Yes you are." Dallon decides not to defend me.

I grab a nearby pillow and chuck it at Dallons head.

"Hey!" Dallon cries.

I purse my lips and smile. "Don't mess with me."

"Don't mess with pregnant you."

"No, don't mess with ty in general." Josh chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

Dallon scoffs. "You know if Brendon were here he'd-"

"Drill you into your mattress?" Josh interrupts.

Dallon scrunches up his nose. "Ew no, that's my job."

I gasp, and Josh chokes on his spit.

"You're the top?" I start laughing.

"Well who knew Brendon likes it up the ass." Josh snickers.

"Mommy, what's a top?" Arina is just looking around at all of us, super confused.

"Nothing pumpkin. Don't worry about it." I respond.

"But what is it?" Arina presses on.

"Arina, mom said don't worry about it. Don't ask him again." Josh scolds.

Arina just sighs and nods. "Sorry mommy."

I open my arms and Arina carefully climbs into them. "You're just not old enough yet. Nothing to be sorry about. Got it?"

I felt Arina nod into my shoulder and I run my hands through her soft dark hair.

"But seriously, Brendon takes it up the ass?" Josh asks.

Dallon, Arina and I all look at Josh.



A prick lands on my calf.

"Ouch." I respond.

"Sorry! Just trying to help it fit you better for tomorrow." Abby apologizes.

I was currently getting some last readjustments done on my outfit for the long awaited event tomorrow evening.

Abby, Josh's sister, is really talented at sewing, so naturally she's in charge of the outfits.

I examine myself in the mirror. I was dressed in white. So much white it bothered me actually.

I was in white suit pants that where currently getting adjusted, and a soft, light, long sleeved shirt. I had a coat just in case things got too cold during the Ceremony. Which is expected, it's around the end of October.

"Do you think this exposes my bump too much?" I ask Abby, my thoughts just flying out.

Abby pauses for a moment to examine the shirt.

"It has a pretty soft and flowy look. I don't think it exposes your bump at all." She gave her input.

I just nod.

I was just too self conscious. I'm worried that the pack members will judge me harshly and not accept me.

"Is there a problem with the shirt?" Abby asks softly.

I shake my head. "Just being paranoid, that's all."

Abby hums. "It's expected. But please try your best not to worry. The pack will love you, and accept you. Being pregnant shouldn't change anything."

I huff. "I just don't want anything to go wrong."

Abby stands up and puts the rest of the pins in a cushion.

"It won't. I don't mean for this to sound harsh, but you're overthinking everything. Everyone in this pack is kind and accepting. And even if they aren't, Josh will make sure they accept you." Abby smiles.

"But I don't want them to be feared into accepting me. I genuinely want the members to know I can be reliable and trusted." I whisper.

"Luna's are always trusted. They are the strongest member of the pack. I think it's bullshit that Alphas are thought of that way, but it's the Luna's. They are strong, kind, trustworthy, providing, and they keep a raging mad Alpha in check. Luna's are the strongest, and the smartest. And I know you can do all of that."

Abby slightly fixes the shirt on my body.


She hums.

"Thank you."

"Anything for my Luna."

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