Chapter 18

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A loud, familiar growl startled me awake. I groan and look at the time. 2:13am

Who the hell woke me up at 2am?!

I notice most of the pain has subsided for now, and I was in Josh's shirt.

Jenna must've changed my clothes.

"Move out of my way." My eyes widened as Josh's voice reached my ears. I stumbled out of my bed and carefully walked out of my room.

"No, he's asleep and you can't just come waltzing in his house at 2 in the morning!" Dallon fights back.

I take a peek around the corner, and oh my goddess.

Josh looked awful. His hair was longer and messy on the top of his head. He had grown some sort of a small beard, and under his eyes looked black from no sleep. He's certainly lost weight as well.

Jenna And Dallon blocked his path, and I could tell he was trying to find a way around them.

"I need to see him." Josh snarled.

"No, he's in pain, and you'll just make it worse. He's finally asleep, so back off." Dallon pushed him back.

Josh's eyes started glowing a gold again, and I knew it was time to interfere.

"Can you guys not have a wrestling match in my house at two in the morning?"

Josh freezes and his eyes go back to brown when he sees me. His entire body softens, and I realize just how weak this Alpha had become.

"Arina is asleep. You already woke me up, do not wake her, or I swear I will hurt all of you." I threatened.

Jenna smiles sadly and raised her hands in surrender, and Dallon backed up.

"Ty," Josh tried to step forward, but I growled.

"Don't take one step towards me." I crossed my arms, and suddenly became very aware of how I looked right now.

I was sure my hair was an absolute wreck, and I had dark circles under my eyes as well. His shirt hung loosely on me, which clearly showed my irritated mark. The loose shirt, however, covered the smallest bump my stomach was growing.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" I glared at Josh, across the room.

"I needed to see you." He replied.

I scoffed. "I really don't need to see you, so please leave."

Dallon and Jenna made moves to push Josh out of my house, and I turned around, ready to go back to bed.

"Wait! Please tyler listen to me!" He shouted.

"Just go home, Josh. Please." I sighed.

"None is what Kai said was true! Please believe me on this!" I turned around, and he stopped struggling in Jenna and Dallons arms.

"Why should I believe you?" I narrowed my eyes.

"When you left four years ago, yes my father made that deal with me," he begins. I roll me eyes and turn back around. Lying again.

"But I declined. I wanted to look for you because I missed you. Because I wanted to have my mate back." I stopped, but didn't turn around.

"Kai set up the entire conversation. I told him so many times I genuinely just wanted to be your mate. That it was all I wanted in the world, and I would give up everything for you."

I feel my face getting wet, and I cover my mouth with my hand so he won't hear me cry.

"I put Kai in a mental institution. He's not well tyler. But if you decide to come back, he won't be there." I turn around and face Josh again.

Jenna and Dallon no longer have hold of his arms, and they just awkwardly look at me.

"Can you give me and Josh a moment alone?" I look at them.

"Tyler-" Dallon begins to object.

"Please, I'll be fine. Just give us a moment alone." Jenna and Dallon share a look, but they walk outside anyways.

Josh starts to take a step towards me.

"I told you, to stay where you are." I growled.

He stops immediately.

"Why do you think you can just break into my house so late at night, create a ruckus, just to try to explain everything?" I ask in disbelief.

"I couldn't take the pain anymore, Ty."

"Don't call me Ty." I snap.

"Everything has been awful without you and Arina around. And it's my fault I let this all happen. I drove you guys away, I put you in so much pain, and I would take it all back if I could." He practically begs when he explains this.

I take a few steps closer to him, which seems to make him a little better.

"I can't go another day without the love of my life. I love you Tyler, I love absolutely everything about you. I love your laugh, the way you look at Arina whenever she tells a story, the way your voice sounds in the morning, and I love it when you fall asleep and rest your head in my lap when we watch a movie."

I feel the tears start to work their way down my face again, and he takes a step forward. This time I don't tell him to stop.

"And when you left, I lost the most beautiful mate, in the world." Finally, he stops right in front of me. "And I came here, so I could have at least one more moment with you, whether it was good or bad."

I released a sob.

"I could never love anyone more than you, Tyler." He finally pulls me into his chest as I cry.

I wrap my arms around him tightly, and I never wanted to let go.

"I'm so sorry Ty." I felt him kiss the top of my head, then he trailed down to my neck, and back up to my cheeks where he kissed each tear away.

"Please let me back into your life. Back into Arina's. I promise I won't hurt you again." He looks into my eyes with such an intense stare.

I get lost in his amazing mocha brown eyes. Some flecks of gold here and there, along with love and sadness.

"Ty?" He asks softly. I sniffle and nod.

He smiles and leans down to capture my lips in the first kiss we had in a long time.

I keep my arms secured around him as he cups my cheeks gently.

I gasp as he bites my bottom lip, and he finds his way in. I didn't put up any fight, because I decided to savor this moment.

I missed how he smelled. I missed his touch, his taste. I missed how he felt against me.

He pulls away for just a moment. "Have I ever told you how sexy you look in my clothes?" He playfully growls.

I laugh. "Maybe once or twice."

He nods in satisfaction. "I don't want anyone else to see you in them besides me." And he kisses me again before I can argue.

A knock sounds on my front door, and I hear Jenna.

"Is everything ok in there? Because Dallon is getting really cozy with this Brendon guy and it's weirding me out."

Josh pulls away and laughs.

"You brought Brendon?" I raise an eyebrow.

"He wouldn't let me drive in the crazy state I was in. So he drove me just to make sure I didn't do anything stupid."

I hum. "Smart. Remind me to thank him later."

"Seriously guys, can I come in? They're kissing each other now and I don't like this."

I laugh and unlock the door to let her in.

She looks between me and Josh. "Is everything okay between you guys now?"

I look back at my mate, and nod.

"Yeah, everything's ok."

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