Chapter 30

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-5 months later-

I was about 7 months along now, and going crazy with cleaning and making sure everything is neat and organized.

I'm probably driving everyone around me insane, but I can't help it. It's a phase of pregnancy to clean and organize all the time, plus I'm super picky with how things are being arranged in the baby's nursery.

The walls were a perfect pastel color that represented the baby's gender.

We had their name above their crib, even though they wouldn't be in their own nursery for a bit. They were going to sleep with me and Josh in our room, until we get in the swing of things and on a set routine.

The room was a whinnie the Pooh themed room, and it was perfect.

"Wait no, can you move that picture to the dresser next to the door?" I asked Maddy.

She just rolled her eyes and moved it to where I wanted. This was my third time asking her to move that specific picture. Whoops.

"Tyler, it looks more then perfect in here. Now, can I go on my date?" She exclaimed after she set down the photo.

Maddy was really dressed up. Not sure exactly why. She was in a really stunning light grey dress, with lace sleeves and a flowy skirt. Sparkles rested here and there in the lace, making it look more then amazing.

"Yeah, I don't want you to be late. Thanks for putting up with me today since Josh couldn't."

She smiles and quickly kisses me on the cheek. "I have no idea how Josh has been putting up with this for more then a day honestly. It just shows how much he loves you."

That put a huge smile on my face. "Thank you."

She nods in acknowledgment and leaves the room, but Josh entered as soon as she left.

How convenient.

"Ok, which blanket should we put on the rocking chair and the edge of the crib walls?" I ask, holding up two different blankets.

"Ty, I'm not here to tell you which blanket should go where, but I want you to go and put on what I have for you on the bed, and meet me in the backyard." Josh approaches me and lowers my hands that were holding the blankets.

I was confused.

"Why? We still have this to finish?" I asked incredulously.

Josh smiles and quickly gives me a soft kiss.

"You'll see. Just go put on what's on the bed and meet me in the backyard."

I open my mouth to ask more questions, but he stopped me.

"Uh uh, no questions. I'll meet you down there in fifteen."

He left no room for argument and walked out of the room.

I finally set the blankets down and left the room to go to mine.

I close the door and I see a clothing bag on the bed.

I unzip it to be met with a stunning white tux.

"What in the world..." I raise my eyebrows in confusion and see a note.


You have 15 minutes to put this on and meet me downstairs.

I love you.


I lift the tux and look at it. And it could definitely fit me, even with my baby bump.

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