Chapter 27

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I found myself on a beach.

I closed my eyes as I inhaled the salt water scent that surrounded me. I heard the waves gently crashing into the shore, and some seagulls making noise.

The sun was setting, and I opened my eyes to enjoy it.

I looked around, and saw two figures in the distance. I furrowed my brows, confused as too who would be on this part of the beach.

I carefully made my way over, and smiled in relief when I saw the figures shape into Josh and...


She was older for sure. She looked eighteen, almost nineteen. She looked really healthy, like she has been doing hardcore training. Her dark brown hair was curly and up in a high ponytail.

She looked so different. But a beautiful different.

I turned to Josh, and he still looked as amazing as ever.

But he looked depressed.

Depressed, but trying to not show it.

"Josh, are you feeling okay?" I reached out to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but he just kept looking ahead, at the sunset.

"Josh?" I tried shaking him, only to realize I couldn't.

Okay, what the hell was happening?

"Josh, stop ignoring me!" I shouted.

Still nothing.

I retracted my hand from his shoulder.

This couldn't be happening?

"Arina, want to go inside?" Josh called.

Arina turned around and made her way back from the water to sit on a chair next to her father.

"Let's enjoy the sunset a bit more. It reminds me of mom." She gave Josh a comforting smile.

"Exactly. Can we please go inside?" Josh coughed.

Arina looked at him, conflicted for a moment.

"You always want to watch the sunsets here? You say it's a sign that mom is here with us."

"Tyler's gone. The sun is down and I'm getting cold. Let's just please go inside." Josh seemed very exhausted.

Arina sympathetically nodded, and got up to help Josh.

"Let's get you inside."

I stood up to follow, but couldn't move my legs.

Am I dead? Josh couldn't forget about me if I was.

I kept trying to move my legs, but I couldn't.

Josh and Arina walked further away.

"Guys! Please! I'm still here!"

They were fading.

Forgetting about me.

"Guys! Come back!"

But they were gone.

Just like I feared.

Suddenly, I felt like I was underwater. I looked down at my feet, and the waves from the ocean were slowly rising around me.

I still stayed rooting to the ground as the water climbed, and I was eventually submerged.


My eyes open, and I gasp loudly for a breath of air.

My chest feels like it's on fire, my head hurts, lights are blinding and my shoulder is in immense pain.

Running - Joshler  ✓Where stories live. Discover now