Chapter 3

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After the words flew out of my mouth, I stormed out of the board room.

I heard Dallon call after me, but I ignored him as I went to my office to quickly grab what I need to leave. I'll come back another day for my stuff.

I grabbed my keys and my work bag, quickly taking the photos of me and Arina off my desk just in case Josh follows me in here.

I turn to leave the room, but someone blocked the door.


I growled

"Don't you dare finish that word, Mr. Dun."

Josh's eyes flickered gold before he shut the door, locking it.

"Hey!" I started

"No, you listen to me, Tyler," he firmly said. "You are now out of a job. You now can't take steadily care of yourself. I'm giving you a better opportunity to work with me instead of working here."

"I liked my job here. You came and ruined that."

"No, you ruined that because you quit. I offered something better and you're letting your own pride get in the way."

I gasped "Oh hell no. This isn't about fucking pride! This is about me working for you! You are the last person I want to even be around. You rejected me,"

Josh flinched

"And now I'm rejecting you. So move your stupid goddamn self, so I can get out of here. I have places to be." I furiously exclaimed, while trying to move past him.

He grabbed my upper arms and, much to my dismay, held me against the nearest wall.

"Listen to me Tyler!"

"Don't say my name you bastard!" I interrupted, and struggled to get out of his hold.

"You can't support yourself now! You are soon to run out of money, which you will no longer be able to make bill payments, pay for your food, and much more." Josh continued to go on, but my mind wandered to a different place.


How am I going to support her? Without me in a job, we would really struggle. Arina deserves the best care anyone should ever give her. Me not having a job is not doing the best I can.

However, I would have to risk everything. I would have to be a PA for everything with Josh. He even said that requires a move in. And I just can't let Josh take Arina away from me. Not after all these years where I raised her alone.

I can't let him take her from me. I'll find another job somewhere else. Hell, I'll even find three of it comes to that. I need to do whatever I can so he doesn't discover her.

Josh noticed I went off into a different head space and has stopped talking.

I look at him, and very discreetly noticed he was relaxed. The right hold was loose.

So I did what every sane person would do to get away from their rejector.

I pushed him off of me and booked it.

I unlocked and opened the door so fast and ran to the stairwell. The elevator would take too long.

I heard Josh running after me, so I even slid down the stair railings to get some speed.

I finally got to the first floor and ran outside, but just as I was about to reach my car, arms wrap around my waist.

Tingles shoot throughout my entire body as I kick and thrash against Josh.

"Let go of me you sick asshole!" I scream.

"No. I will never do that again." He said, obviously out of breath from chasing me and trying to not let go of me.

I struggle and thrash against him, but my small omega frame was nothing compared to his Alpha build.

This goes on for another minute before I finally grow tired, and break down crying.

"Please just let me go." I sob. I could feel the mate bond begin again, and that wasn't a good sign. It was telling me the right thing to do was just let him have me, but what I wanted was to slap him and run.

He turned me around and pulled me into his chest, and held me tight.

I regained some sort of strength as I began to pound on his chest and struggle in his arms.

"You stupid asshole. You chose to let me go so just let me go. Please just let me go."

Josh just continued to hold me and not say a word.

I caught the time on my watch. It was around noon, which was the time I had to pick Arina up from preschool.

Not now, but yet of course it has to be now. Thanks moon goddess, I just love you right now.

Getting the idea to kick Josh where the sun doesn't shine, I acted on it, which released his grasp on me, and I ran to my car.

I got in, locked the door and quickly drove away from my now old work office.

I looked through the rear view mirror and found a car with Josh in it, quickly trying to follow me.

Damn it!

I have to loose him so he doesn't follow me to Arina's school.

I decide to take a longer route with some train tracks along the way.

Around the time I got to them, I passed them just as the track gates started lowering, cutting off Josh.

So the moon goddess does love me!

Driving faster, I get to her school and I probably pull off the worst parking job in history.


Arina's sweet voice calls my attention to her as I get out of the car.

I pick her up as she runs in my arms, and I quickly put her in her car seat.

"Hey pumpkin, do you want to go on a quick vacation?" I try to smile.

"Really?" She asks, clearly confused.

I get in the drivers seat and drive away from the school, to go back home to get a few things.

"Yes Arina. We will just be out of town for a few weeks. That's all."

Arina nods.


I pull up to my driveway.

"I'll be right out in a minute. I just need to get a few things, alright?" I tell my daughter.

Arina nods. "Ok mommy."

I get out of the car and run into my house quickly, only to be stopped.


Josh stands in my house.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!?" I furiously walk up to him.

"You're coming back home, with me. Not for the job, but because you are my mate."

"You lost that right with me four years ago. You lost every right with me, so get out of my house." I can most definitely assure you my face is red from anger.

Josh grabs my wrists tightly.

"I refuse to leave without you by my side. You've been running long enough, and it took years for me to find you. This time, I'm not letting go."

Running - Joshler  ✓Where stories live. Discover now