Chapter 8

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It's been about one week since I arrived here. I haven't really talked to Josh since that day where I told him to leave me alone. He's been spending a lot of time with Arina, and she tells me how much she likes him every night.

That personally scares me.

I put on some clean clothes for the day. Me and Maddy went shopping a few days ago so I could have some form of clothing that fit me to wear.

I pace around my room. If I wasn't with Arina or my family, I was in my room. I didn't like it here. Not when I was avoiding Josh.

A soft knock sounds at the bedroom door, and I recognize it as my moms.

I go and unlock it so she could come in.

"I brought you some lunch." She smiled as she set down the tray of food in my bed.

Honestly, I wasn't hungry. I haven't been since I got here.

"I'm not hungry." I mumble.

"Yes you are tyler. You've only been here a week and you've already lost so much weight." She holds my shoulders gently.

I know I've lost weight. The mate bond was getting to painful for me to focus on anything, rather than the bond itself. After three days of avoiding Josh it's gotten really painful to even get out of the bed. So I'm lucky to be standing and pacing around today.

"I'm not hungry." I repeat. I look out the window. It's a sunny day, and warm. But I only felt cold.

"Have you looked at yourself lately? You've lost at least 10 pounds. That's unhealthy and I'm sure your wolf is in pain."

Cyprus has not made a move on talking to me since I shut Josh out in the board room.

"Cyprus won't talk to me." I give in and tell her that fact.

"That's because you won't talk to Josh."

"How could I? I told him to leave me alone, and I'm leaving him alone as well. I'm not getting hurt again." I growl, and start pacing the room again.

"You're already hurt. You've always been hurt since the moment you left. But now you're doing yourself more harm than good." I see her cross her arms.

"No, I'm just protecting myself. I'm not going to get attached again, and I'm making sure of that." I turn back to her.

"You've done enough protecting. Hell tyler, when he tried to bring you lunch yesterday you ended up throwing a teacup at him."

I shrugged. "I told him to stay away."

My mom rolled her eyes. "Can't you see he's trying to make up for what he's lost? As soon as you left he's been looking for you nonstop. There were times where we had to lock him in his room to sleep because he wouldn't leave his office searching for you."

I sat on my bed, and looked at her to continue.

"Even if you asked him not to try, he still is. And there may be a reason as to why he rejected you four years ago. But whatever that reason is, it's no longer one anymore."

I say nothing, because she makes a solid point.

My mom smiles and kisses the top of my head. "Please eat something. Even if it's half a sandwich. And go see Arina. I'm sure she would love to watch Nemo with you."

I nodded and she left the room. I looked over at the food, but didn't touch any. The pain was coming back again.


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