Chapter 7

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The smell of breakfast pulled me out of my sleep.

My eyes fluttered open, and shut quickly as light flooded my eyes. For the next minute I slowly let myself adjust to being awake. Sitting up in the bed, I stretch my arms above my head and yawn.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I ran a hand through my messed up hair. I'll brush it after breakfast.

Exiting the room, and walking down the stairs, I stop as I hear voices from the kitchen.

"Are you sure this is your moms favorite?" I furrow my eyebrows at josh's voice.

"Yep! He loves waffles. And they have to be buttered." I smile at Arina's response.

Hunger gets the best of me and I stand in the door way to watch them.

Josh pours some batter in a waffle maker and sets a timer, and then he goes to help Arina, in what I'm guessing, buttering some waffles.

I decided to finally make my presence known, and I cleared my throat. 

Arina turned around and hopped off her chair. "You're awake!"

Picking her up, I rested her against my hip. "How did you sleep pumpkin?"

"Good! I woke up and mr alpha man asked me to help him make your favorite food!"

I smiled at the thought she thought waffles were my all time favorite. I mean, they are amazing, but they aren't my favorite food. Nothing can beat Taco Bell chalupas.

I look over at Josh, who is just staring at me.

Goddess, why does he always just stare? It seems to be his favorite thing, I swear.

I feel his eyes practically all over my body, and then I realize I'm just in his shirt, and he hasn't seen me since last night.

Now suddenly self aware, I snap him out of his trance, or whatever he was in. "Can you please not eye rape me when my daughter is in the room?"

He blinks and shakes his head, as if to clear his mind.

"Also, is something...burning?" I scrunch up my nose at the sudden smell.

Josh looks over to the smoke flowing out of the waffle cooker. "Shit!" He quickly gets the burnt waffles out and turns off the cooker.

I raise a brow as he turns to me.

"I made breakfast?"


Breakfast would have been so awkward without Arina talking about Nemo. But thank goddess for her love for that fish.

She was interrupted as Maddy and my brother Jay walked in.

He looked almost surprised to see me. "Tyler?"

I push my plate away from me, now that I was done with my food. "Hi Jay."

He kept blinking at me. "I-Wh-When did you get back?" He stuttered.

"Yesterday, but I'm just visiting for three weeks. I'll be gone again soon though." I shrug. I see Josh tense up in my peripherals.

"You just got back after being away for four years though?" He sounded confused.

"Yea, I know. I was forced back here." I explain. Josh growls.

"Oh, well, it's at least nice to have you back for a little." Jay tells me.

"Thanks. Uh, I'm going to go get ready for the day. If you'll excuse me." I get up from my chair and leave the kitchen, going back up to josh's room.

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