Chapter 1

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- Four Years Later-

I felt a hand poke my cheek.

Then my forehead.

Then my nose.

And then a finger going up my no-

I shot up, wide awake from my dreamless sleep.

Giggles flooded the room as I looked at her. My daughter.

Arina's dark brown, almost black hair rested messily at the top of her head, and her nose crinkled in the same way as her fathers. Her cute pink lips stretched into a smile as she giggled.

I lifted her on my lap and started tickling her. Her giggles turned into petrified screams as she tried to wiggle away.

"That'll teach you to not wake me up like that again." I playfully laughed as she finally wiggled her way out of my arms.

"But mommy, i'm hungry!" she pouted and crossed her arms.

I smiled and got out of bed, helping her down as well. "Well, lets go get some breakfast then and get you to school."

Arina smiled with happiness and ran out of the room. I smiled softly and grabbed my bathrobe because I was starting to get a little cold.

I walked out of the bedroom and met a very hungry looking Arina in the kitchen.

"Alright Rina, what do you want to eat?" I asked her as I opened the pantry to see what we had.

"Bacon!" She exclaimed

I went to the fridge and opened it to check if we had any bacon inside.

To my disappointment, we had ran out.

"I'm sorry Pumpkin, we don't have any." I shut the fridge. "But I can get you your favorite cereal, how about some yummy Frosted Flakes hm?"

Arina pouted and her eyes watered. "But I want bacon."

And I wanted a mate that loved me, but sadly, the world doesn't give you what you want.

"I know. But we don't have any. So we can go to the store today and get some together after I come home from work."

Arina's face lit up. "I can go to the store with you today!"

I laughed. "Yes you may. After I get back from work we can go get all the bacon."

Arina giggles and then babbled in about her dream she had last night about fighting humans who turned into monsters by eating black jellybeans at in and out burger.

I poured her Frosted Flakes into a bowl and followed it with milk. I put in her favorite spoon she eats almost everything with, and she dug in.

"Alright pumpkin, I'm going to take a shower. Please be dressed before I'm out ok?"

Arina nodded and shoved another spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

"Also, eat carefully. Don't eat to much or you'll choke honey." I ruffled her hair and walked out of the kitchen.

I went into my room, and grabbed a fresh pair of pants in my wardrobe, and a shirt that was hung up.

I had an important meeting today with another company.

No, I'm not a CEO. I'm just a personal assistant for one. So I have to make sure I'm at every meeting, check every email twice, proof read worker presentations, and much more. It pays very well and I enjoy my job. It keeps me on my feet.

I turn on the shower and of course the water has to be very warm. I remove the clothing I slept in and stepped in the warm embrace.

I tried my best to shake off any memories my mind, or Cyprus, tend to bring up about my old pack, because I was running just a tad behind this morning.

Lathering up my hair and rinsing it, I step out and grab a towel. I turn the shower off and proceed to turn on my blow dryer.

I fluff up my hair, yet style it so it's still professional. I do a quick morning shave, then I dry myself off.

Putting on my work clothes, I hear a soft knock.

I open the door while cuffing the sleeves on my shirt, and see my cute Arina in a pink shirt and some jeans.

"I can't find my light-up shoes." She pouts.

"Let's go look for them. I'm sure they are we're the shoes usually are pumpkin."

I lift her up and she cuddles into my side. I walk to where the shoes usually are, and after some searching, I find them in the corner.

I set Arina down and get her light up shoes, but as much as they light up, Arina's face lights up brighter than anything in this world.

"You found them Mommy! Thank you thank you thank you!"

I smile. "Alright, put them on, and if you remember how to tie them, try your best. I have to go get my socks and shoes on too."

Arina smiles and gets to work on putting on her shoes.

I quickly go and grab my socks and shoes as well, and a quick lavender tie I'll put on later after I drop her off at school.

"Alright pumpkin, let's go to school."

Arina smiles and grabs her backpack and skips out the door and to the car.

I pick her up and buckle her into her car seat, giving her a small kiss on the head when I'm done.


I barely finish tying on my tie as the elevator door opens to my work floor.

"Hi Tyler!" My best friend, Jenna, greets. "I have your Starbucks refresher."

I practically moan in happiness as she hands me the drink. "I'll Venmo you later. You're such a lifesaver and I love you."

She chuckles. "Alright. Also Dallon wants to see you in his office. We have the meeting today and he wants to run through some things before it happens."

I nod. "Alright, thank you. See you in an hour then."

I set my stuff not necessary for the quick meeting with my boss down in my office, and make my way over.

I knock on the door as a warning, and then walk in.

"Oh good, you're here. I have some things to run through."

I nod and make sure the door closes behind me.

"Alright, as you know the CEO of  J.D Enterprise is making a deal with us today. If we play our cards right, it can benefit both of our companies budgets by 34 percent, which we really need."

I nod and continue to write down what he says for the next 45-ish minutes before making our way to the board meeting room.

Cyprus started to whine and get really anxious.

'Cyprus, calm down, it's just another meeting.'

'He's here. Here here here.' Cyprus responds.

Rolling my eyes, I block him out. Sadly, that doesn't work for the anxious feeling.

As Dallon opened the door, a familiar scent washed over me.

Oh shit.

Making my way into the room, I expected him.

Joshua Dun.

Why now?


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