Chapter 21

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Another week had past, and I still hadn't told josh. I could tell he was starting to question why I was so sick in the mornings, but, he still never asked what was wrong. He just made me feel better and didn't say a word. It made me concerned if he figured it out, but hasn't said anything because I haven't either.

I'm now a day away from being six weeks in. My stomach has grown quite a little, and form fitting shirts no longer fit, same with some pairs of my skinny jeans.

Each time I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at my stomach. I now looked like I was constantly stuffed full of food.

I grow more nervous as the days go on, fear still getting the best of me.

Deep down I know everything will be fine, but then I see him leaving me, and it shuts down all of my confidence.

I woke up at around three in the morning, really hungry for some vanilla ice cream and peanut butter. Slowly removing josh's hand from around my waist, and baby bump, I sneak out of bed and out of the room.

I quietly make my way into the kitchen and go straight for the peanut butter. I take a spoon out from the silverware and dip it into the container. Bringing the peanut butter to my lips, I moan at the taste.

Turning around, I open the freezer and scavenge for the vanilla Hagen Daas pint container. I let out a squeal of delight as soon as I found it, and I pulled it out. I turned around and almost screamed.

"Holy fuck, Josh." I put my hand over my chest as soon as I realize it was him.

"What are you doing?" He barely sounds awake, and his raspy voice sends a chill down my spine.

"Um...eating?" My voice quiets down in a guilty tone.

"Ty, baby, it's three am." He rubs his eyes and he's a little more alert.

I feel myself get hormonal really quickly, and suddenly I'm crying.

"I was just hungry."

Josh is now wide awake as soon as I'm crying. "Oh hell, Ty it's ok." He takes the ice cream out of my hands and sets it down on the counter before pulling me into a hug.

"I just wanted some peanut butter and ice cream." I blubber into his shirt.

He lifts me up and sets me on the counter. "Alright, then let's get you some peanut butter and ice cream."

I stop crying instantly, and smile.

He takes the carton of peanut butter, and pulls out the spoon. "Alright, open your mouth." He tells me, and I do so.

I moan when the peanut butter hits my tongue, again.

I could tell josh was weirded out as to why I was moaning over peanut butter at three am, but let a person live their life how they want, Alright?

He feeds me a couple more spoonfuls, until he stops.

"You have some on your face." He points to the corner of his mouth, and I stick my tongue out to lick where he showed me.

"Did I get it?"

"No, try again."

Pouting, I try again. I look back at him. "Did I get it now?"

He shakes his head.

"Let me get it for you." And he leans in quickly, and kisses the corner of my mouth.

Running - Joshler  ✓Where stories live. Discover now