Chapter 31

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About a month passed since the wedding, and everything has been wonderful since then.

I was due in about a week and a half now, and I'm super excited to get this baby out, honestly.

Jenna has come to the wedding and found out that she had a mate, although she was human. Grant, our other pack doctor besides Ross, already treats her very well.

Grant was doing his job right now though, while Jenna watched a movie with me. I think it's called Call Me by Your Name? Either way, it's a super good movie.

Arina is put to bed and Josh is up in his office working late on some Alpha stuff.

I had my head on Jenna's lap, and was dozing off when the movie was just about ending when I woke up to something I shouldn't be expecting quite yet.

"Jenna." I feel my voice shake.

"Hm?" She hums. She was almost asleep as well.

"I think my water just broke." I don't really make any move to sit up.

"Oh?" She sounded way more awake now.

"Yeah." I slowly lift my head off her lap and sit up awkwardly.

"Go to grant, he's working the night shift. I'll go grab Josh, ok?" She stands up and offers her hand, which I gladly take.

She helps me up and makes sure I get to the infirmary safely.

"Can I help you?" A nurse came up to us. She had very short blue hair, and looked intimidating yet sweet at the same time.

"My water broke?" It almost sounded like a question.

The nurse nodded. "Okay, let's get you to Grant then. I'm Ashley by the way. I'll be helping you out tonight." She gave me a reassuring smile and led me away from Jenna, who now is leaving to get my mate.

"Alright, labors are different for every person. It may be really quick or really slow. It also depends if this is your first baby or not." She asks me.

"It's my second." I tell her.

Ashley nods. "Alright. This labor may be faster than your first because your first baby 'paved the way' I guess is how you can describe it." She hands me a hospital gown.

"That's interesting." I look at the gown, not knowing what to do with it.

"Tyler, you're in a small amount of shock from your water breaking. I need you to go put that gown on for me in the bathroom right there, ok? I'll tell you what to do next so you don't feel overwhelmed." She pointed to a door in the corner of the room.

I nodded and went into the bathroom and carefully removed my wet bottoms and dry shirt, and replaced it with the gown.

I step out of the bathroom just as I see Josh rushing in, looking like a frightened boy honestly.

'Yep, he's totally never done this before.' Cyprus snorted

I just smiled and reached out my hand, and he helped me back to the bed.

"Ready to have this baby?" I huff, already feeling a contraction.

"No, but I don't really have a choice, do I?" He laughed.

I shook my head. "Nope."


It's been about seven hours now. I've just been waiting to be fully dilated, which should be any time now due to the epidural.

I don't see why people are so against them. Like sure, it's a big needle, but they numb your back so you can't feel anything, and it makes labor so much easier on everyone.

I've been napping here and there, and Ashley and Grant have been checking up on me every fifteen to thirty minutes.

Grant walks in and he smiles at me. "How you feeling tyler?"

I sigh. "Like I'm ready to have my baby."

Josh squeezes my hand for reassurance, and I squeeze it back.

"Let's check on how dilated you are then, okay?" He doesn't really offer.

I nod.

I can't feel anything from my waist down, so I don't know what exactly he does to check.

"You're fully dilated. Let me call in Ashley and let's deliver your baby." Grant gets up and Josh thanks him.

Grant quickly leaves the room and I look at Josh.

"You're going to do great. Okay?" He gently pushes hair off of my face.

I nod and give a weak smile, and grant and Ashley wall back in.

"Alright tyler, on the count of three, you're going to push down for ten seconds, have a ten second rest, and we'll do this for about two minutes, until the baby is out." He explains.

I nod and sit up.




"On the count of three, start pushing.





"I can't keep doing this." I cry.

I've been pushing for about half an hour now, and my body was exhausted.

"I see your baby's head. Just two more pushes and your done tyler." Grant encourages me.

I inhale deeply before I start to push again.

I hear people counting, and I stop once ten is reached for the millionth time.

"The head is out. One more push, the shoulders are the hardest part, but after that you're done."  I hear grant say again.

"I swear to goddess, encourage me one more time and I will cut you." I snap.

Grant just dismisses it and tells me to push one more time.

I push hard one more time, and I hear cries filling the room.

Grant puts my baby on my chest, because skin to skin contact is super super important after a baby is born.

"Hi baby," I make sure I have a good hold while they're on my chest. "I love you so much." I continue crying and I kiss the head full of hair.

Grant gently takes my baby to clean and weigh, and make sure everything is healthy and good.

"Josh, would you like to cut the chord?" Grant calls.

Josh looks at me and I barely nod.

I close my eyes and try to rest, because my body was very exhausted. I could not sleep though, my new baby was across the room and I wanted to cuddle and love them forever.

After five minutes, Josh finally brought the baby back over to us, and Grant told me I still needed to deliver the placenta.

As I did so, I felt extremely accomplished.

I now have two kids, I thought.

Cyprus purred, and I was happy to know he was just as content as I was.


(Can you tell I know a ton about medical shit? ;) I took med anatomy and physiology, along with sports medicine and needless to say, in those classes what you learn is soooo helpful and useful for everyday stuff.

Also, a big big pet peeve of mine in MPREG stories is that when they're giving birth, they act like natural birth isn't an option, and it just has to be C-Section. Like, I thought that the way a baby "goes in" (technically) is naturally the way it's supposed to go out. It blows my mind tbh but whatever, write however you want to write your stories.

I think we have one more chapter left, and then an epilogue! The end is near guys :,( thanks for reading this far though, lol.)

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