Chapter 14

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Josh led me outside and into the forest.

"Shift." He demands.

"Why?" I look at him.

"Because you haven't let your wolf out in a while, plus I haven't seen it yet. And a run might be nice." His tone calms down.

I nod, and turn around.



"I've already seen all of you. There's no reason to turn around." He grunts.

I turn around to face him again. "Right, sorry." I say quietly.

He approaches me and lifts my head up so I make eye contact with him. "Ty, there isn't a part of you that isn't absolutely stunning. Please don't be shy around me, Alright?" He smiles.

I nod, and he leans down to give me a quick kiss. "Now, let's shift, shall we?" He let's go of me and quickly strips.

I slowly do the same, and change into my light brown wolf. The brown reminded me of a Cyprus tree, and thus Cyprus' name was born.

I look over and see a huge black wolf. He's way bigger than Cyprus, and the tip of my wolfs ears meet his wolfs chest.

'Your wolf is beautiful.' I hear Josh's voice echo in my mind.

Cyprus smiles happily and jumps around. I can't communicate back to Josh yet, because I haven't given him my mark and my pack stance was really weird right now.

A deeper version of Josh's voice echos in my head. 'My name is Bandit.'

Cyprus yips happily at Bandits voice and jumps up to lick his nose.

Bandits amber eyes soften at Cyprus, and he licks the top of my wolfs head in a greeting back.

This has Cyprus' jumping halt, and he purrs.

'Cyprus, you look like a pup right now.' I scold.

'No I don't. I look like I'm happy to see my mate.' He fires back.

I feel Cyprus take full control and he takes off, assuming to start a game of chase.

I hear Bandits paws thunder after us, but Cyprus' only strength is speed, so have fun trying to catch him Bandit.

The chase goes on for a while, and Cyprus teases Bandit many times, by slowing down just a tad, but as soon as Bandit would pounce, Cyprus would turn and fake him out.

Cyprus suddenly stops at a lake, and is enamoured by the beauty. Don't it doesn't last for long as Bandit pounces on Cyprus and knocks all of the air out of him.

They roll around for a bit until I suddenly I feel water soak into my fur.

Bandit stops and sticks out his tongue happily.

Cyprus glares at Bandit.

Does bandit know Cyprus hates water?

Cyprus growls and tries to drag Bandit in the lake with him.

Bandit just grabbed Cyprus by the scruff and put him deeper in the water.

'I want to shift back.' Cyprus tells me.

'In the water? Are you serious?' I exclaim.

Suddenly, I feel my bones change back into a human, and my fur turning into skin.

I was now swimming in the lake, Bandit head tilting at me.

"Cyprus hates water. He had me shift back." I call over.

Bandit whines and lays down. I climb out of the lake and laugh.

"He still likes you. Don't worry." I put my hand in his fur, and he immediately whines.

"Do you like me petting you?" I ask, and start to run my hand through his thick, soft fur.

'I love it.' I hear Bandits voice come through.

So I continued.


'I'm going to shift back. Bandits getting tired.' I hear josh's voice in my head, and I stop petting him, after half an hour.

I look out at the lake and soon enough I feel Josh pull me close to him.

"You never said Kai stayed in the pack?" I think out loud.

"I never said he left the pack. He just left me." I felt josh's fingers run through my damp hair.

I nod. "Do you still love him?"

He stops his hand and positions me so we face each other. "I never did. I liked him, but I never felt love towards him."

I searched his eyes for any signs of lies, but all I could see was that he was telling the truth.

I really wanted to ask him if he loved me, but I didn't want to set myself up for disappointment. So I swallowed the question.

"I really like you Josh. A lot." I say quietly.

He smiles and pulls me in for a kiss.

It wasn't rough or passionate like any kiss we've had before, but it was soft, and gentle.

He pulled away after a few moments. "I really like you too, Ty."

I smile at the name. I know he's been calling me Ty all day, but now I really took the time to acknowledge it.

"Any other questions about Kai?" He asks.

I think, before I nod. "His mark was faded. Did he loose his mate?"

Josh smiles sadly. "He did. We were attacked by rogues one day, and she was killed."


"You know her. It was Debby."

My face fell. She was my savior in high school. My best friend. She was the only one who could slap some sense into Josh when he was a dumb high school bully.

"How long ago?" I question sadly.

"About a year. He's still messed up by it, and he's not that welcoming to visitors. Which probably explains why he made you so mad this morning."

I growled. "He almost told Arina you were her Father. In fact he practically did."

His eyes widened.


I nodded. "He asked me 'Is Arina's josh's?' And I lost it."

"Do you think Arina will ask about it?" He prods.

I shrug. "Maybe."

"What will you say if she asks?"

I examined him for a moment and thought on my answer.

"I would tell her the truth. I'm getting tired of hiding this from her."

Josh looks shocked. "You would tell her?"

"Only if she asks."

Josh grows the biggest smile and lifts me up and spins us around.

"You would still tell her!"

I smile at his excitement, and he sets me down, and quickly kisses me.

"Thank you."

Running - Joshler  ✓Where stories live. Discover now