Chapter 15

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It's been about a week since the run in with Kai and relaxing at the lake.

Arina never ended up asking about what Kai said, much to my relief and Josh's dismay. However, we did spend a lot of time together.

Josh was an amazing cook, as it turns out. All his recipes were amazing, but none could even compare to his waffles. I swear, if he had a waffle business, it would revolutionize the world of breakfast cooking.

We watched a movie with Arina almost every night, most of them were Disney. And don't tell josh, but I totally caught him crying during Tarzan.

We and Josh never went further than making out though. I was scared to get pregnant again.

I woke up, and it was cloudy outside. Josh wasn't in the bed. Sometimes he would wake up earlier to get some alpha work done. I got out of bed and put on one of Josh's shirts. I slept in just my boxers and I was not about to go out in front of Arina like that.

Finding my way towards his office, I pause.

"You got your mate now. The alpha title is yours, which is what you wanted all along right?" I hear Kais snarky voice.

"No, Kai." Josh's voice reaches my ears.

"Oh really? You marked him, and that was the deal between you and your father for the Alpha title." Kai sneered.

I covered my mouth to stop me from gasping. Slowly, I looked around the corner and through the small crack the door left open.

Kai approaches Josh, very seductively. "And he hasn't marked you. Does he actually want to be Luna of this pack, joshie?"

I almost vomit at him calling my mate that name.

"I'm really doubting that he wants to be with you. But I know I love you more than him, and if I was him, I would've marked you already."

Josh opened his mouth to protest, but Kai lurched forward and attached their lips.

I looked away immediately and let out a strangled sob.

"Who's there?" I hear Josh move towards the door, and I ran.

"Shit! Tyler!" I heard him chase after me, and I ran faster.

I ran into his room and barely locked the door in time.

I backed away from the door as he pounded on it. "Tyler, let me in." He growled.

I shook my head in disbelief.

I've been played. He was playing me this entire time, just for the Alpha title. And worse, I let him and I know have his mark.

I look around and quickly start packing up what little clothes I had. I changed out of josh's shirt and into my own tee and jeans.

I drowned out his pounding and pleading. I zip up the bag full of clothes and try to hold back my tears.

I open the door and quickly walk past him.

"Tyler, please listen to me!" He blocks my path and I shake my head.

"What is going on here?" I heard my mom, and I look last Josh to see her holding a confused Arina.

"Why do you have a bag?" Her eyes widen when she sees it.

"I decided I'm leaving, like I originally planned. Please get Arina's stuff packed as well while I call an Uber." I choke out.

"You're not leaving." Josh growled.

"Yes I am. I am not staying here just so you can play me even more and be with someone else!" I fired back.

"What?" My mom gasped.

"He used me this entire time so he could become alpha." I tell her.

"That's not true!" Josh reaches out to touch me.

"Don't touch him." My mom growls.

Josh turns around and looks at her.


"Do not touch my son. You have done enough harm, and touching him won't make anything better." She harshly snaps.

I move past Josh and pick up my phone I left on the counter, and schedule an Uber.

"It'll be here in five minutes. Please get Arina dressed and I'll pack up her things." I instruct my mom, and she nods. Arina is just looking around confused.

"Ty," Josh whispers.

I glare at him. "Don't."

I go into the room Arina stayed in and pack up her things in her Nemo suitcase.

I get a notification that the Uber has arrived, and I go out and see my mom carrying a dressed Arina.

"Tyler, please." Josh begs.

My mom puts down Arina and grabs our bags to put in the car.

"You know, I'm so stupid for letting you back in my life." A few tears slip down my cheeks.

"No you're not. I love you Tyler." His voice is broken.

I scoff. "You love me because you used me to get where you are now."

"That's not true," he denies.

I hear the Uber honk.

"I have to go." And with that, I leave the pack house and get into the car.

I see my mom try to hold him back, but the car drives away and it's too fast for Josh to keep up.

I'm so stupid.

I knew it was all too good to be true.

I let him in, I let him tell me things i've been dying to hear for the past four years. I let him kiss me, let him take me again, and worst of all, I let him mark me.

I begin crying, because if I didn't let him in I wouldn't be in this much pain. The pain my mark was starting to give me was no match compared to the pain I felt currently.

I love him.

Fuck, I love him and this entire thing ended up being this giant plan to use me.

"Mommy?" I look at Arina sitting next to me.

"What did the guy mean that morning when he said that I was Jish's?"

Of course now she asks. When we leave.

I smile sadly. "He was just asking if Josh was your dad, pumpkin"

She looks confused. "Is he?"

I feel myself shattering on the inside. I promised Josh when she asked that I would tell her.

Slowly, I nod. "He is, pumpkin."

Arina frowns. "Can we go back?"

I shake my head. "He made a big mistake with me."

"But he didn't with me. Please can we go back?" She begs.

I start crying again. "I'm sorry pumpkin."

And with that, we cried together.

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