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-15 years later-

"Kay, are you dressed and ready?" I call. I adjust my cuffs on my white dress shirt and walk out of the room.

"Yep!" I see my 15 year old walk out of her room in the red bridesmaid dress Arina picked out for her to wear.

Arina was 20, and getting married to her mate today. His name was Cameron, and I couldn't be more pleased with who the moon goddess chose for her.

"Ok great. Dad is out making sure everything is set up correctly, can you go help him?"

Kay nodded and left to go outside.

I went to another room and knocked on the door.

"Hey bud, can I come in?" But I was randomly met with silence, which wasn't unusual, but wasn't common at the same time.

I opened the door and I saw Liam, my 13 year old son, sitting on his bed.

He was covering his face with his hands, and I knew something was up.

"Li? Are you ok?" I sit next to him, and he looks up at me.

He was a perfect mix of me and Josh, although he had mine and Kaydence's hair. Liam was really attached to me, like I was his best friend. He still loved Josh, but he preferred to be by my side whenever he could. He was shy and soft spoken, and polite. He was the smallest of all the kids, which means he definitely inherited my omega genes.

Arina was still very attached to Josh, and definitely a daddy's girl, per say. They went out on an ice cream date weekly, it was like a thing between them. She never lost her love and obsession for it. She was very outgoing and wild. She trained and worked hard with Josh whenever she could, and I'm not surprised. The first born almost always has the Alpha gene.

Kaydence was right in between everything. She looked very similar to me. Like if I was a female, I would look like her, vice versa. She was really fair and smart. She kept fit, but didn't find it much of a hobby like Arina.

Also, her and Arina were like twins. They didn't care about the 5 year age gap at all. They tell each other everything, and anything.

Anyways, back to Liam.

I can tell he's been crying, his eyes are red and puffy, and tear streaks were on his cheeks.

"My hair doesn't look good and Kyle won't like me anymore because I have messy hair."

Ah, Kyle. Liam's best friend. Dallon and Brendon's son. I knew Liam liked Kyle, it was very obvious. He just didn't realize it yet, and that's ok.

"Liam, Kyle will always like you no matter what. And your hair looks fine, you're just worrying to much." I hug him, and he sniffles.

"Do you want me to see if I can help you with your hair?" I offer, and I feel him nod.

I smile.

"Alright, let's go into my bathroom then so we can fix it to your liking."


I can't contain the tears that fell when Arina and Cameron were pronounced husband and wife.

I squeeze Josh's hand, and he squeezes back. I look at him and he gives me a smile. It was just like yesterday when that was us, on the alter, getting married.

Everyone cheered and I felt Liam grasp onto my free arm.

Don't worry, Liam's hair was fine. He ended up very happy and pleased with it.

Arina came down and hugged Josh and I, along with Kay and Liam.

Arina looked absolutely stunning. She had a mermaid style dress, and her very long, dark brown hair was curled and halfway put up. Her sweetheart top style of the dress showed off her tan skin, and her mark of three stars.

Cameron had her Alpha mark. He was ok with not taking much Alpha responsibilities, and was supportive of everything Arina did. Sure, they did have some arguments over things, but there wasn't one where they haven't figured it out together.

We all quickly reset everything up for the reception, and the rest of the day went just how it was planned.

After Arina and Cameron had their first dance, everyone else was able to join in.

Josh stood up and held out his hand, which I gladly took.

He led me out to the dance floor and then held me close to him, and I rested my head on his shoulder, while he rested his head on mine.

And together we danced.

I closed my eyes and took everything in. We had three amazing kids, and one of them was married now.

I was with Josh, after everything that we went through.

"What are you thinking about?" Josh whispered to me.

I looked into his eyes and grinned. "How I'm so lucky to have you."

Josh smiled, and quickly leaned in to kiss me.

Everything was good.



(Aaaahhh! I really hope you guys enjoyed this story, and I'm actually really sad but happy it's done.

I will be going in soon and adding songs that fit the chapter, and editing anything that needs to be fixed. (Mainly spelling errors.)

But if you want a story on Liam and Kyle, let me know! It'll probably be short, and I need to figure out what I would want to happen, but yeah just let me know. And if I write it, it's not gonna be how you think it is. or if you want a story on anyone else, another joshler story that's different, etc. just give me feedback (: 

Anyways, thank you all for reading and voting. I love reading your guys' comments, it puts a huge smile on my face. Like for real I have no idea where this story would be without you all.

Thank you again, and I love you all <3 )

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