Chapter 28

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"Make sure to tell me when Josh is coming, and when he does, act like I never woke up." I explained to Doctor Ross.

He just shrugged. "I have honestly no idea why you would want to pull something like this on the alpha but alright. If he starts murdering me-"

"I'm not gonna let that happen. Just help me out with this." I said nonchalantly.

Finally, he smiled. "Alright."


"He's coming. Act asleep." Doctor Ross, who I'm now just calling Ross, whispered.

I closed my eyes.

I heard the door click open and footsteps.

"Is he awake?" Josh sounded depressed.

"Still not awake. I'd say maybe a day or two until he does." Ross responded.

"Alright. Thank you." I felt Josh take my hand, and it took me everything to not squeeze it back.

"I'll give you some time alone." I heard footsteps leave the room, and the door clicking shut.

"Well, uh, I have no idea if you can hear me ty. But I hope you can,"

I can.

"But I really miss you. So does Arina. And handling the pack is really fucking hard without the best support I've ever had and ever will have."

Aw, my heart.

Cyprus whined in appreciation.

"Just please wake up. I can't do this without you." I heard josh sniffle.

"Well I mean alright if you insis-" I opened my eyes with a smirk, and was cut off by Josh screaming and jumping back.

I starting laughing, but I couldn't continue due to my shoulder pain.

"Ow, that hurts." I rub my bandage gently.

"My goddess tyler, you're very injured and in a hospital bed, and you decide to prank me?" Josh said lowly.

"Yeah. You should've seen the look on your face, it was gold." I begin laughing once again, but my shoulder begins to hurt.

I guess I must've shown pain, because Josh quickly grabbed an ice pack in one of the cabinets and gave it to me.

"Stop laughing, ty." He tells me seriously.

I just smile at him. "Sorry."

I get lost in his mocha eyes for a moment before he leans in to kiss me.

I bring my good arm up and place my hand on his cheek as his lips covered mine.

He pulls away for a moment, and goes back in for a soft peck.

"Can I ask what happened after I was so obviously shot?" My fingers run up into his hair to softly play with his messy brown curls.

"Well, Kai woke Brendon And Dallon up because apparently he was being 'obnoxiously loud'."

I smile. I love and hate how Dallon is a light sleeper. Brendon, not so much.

"Brendon got a few warriors to contain Kai and take his gun. Dallon alerted the pack doctor to get your bleeding under control, and I drove home as quick as I could. We had techs already working on the servers so things were okay."

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

"Do you think Kai could have possibly hacked into your company as a ploy to get you away from me for the night?"

"Most definitely. I'm pretty sure that's what it was too. Hackers with intention try to get any information out of the company's database, and they usually leave some sort of mark, showing us it was them. But this time things just shut down. No information was taken out of our databases, and no mark." Josh explained to me.

"Damn. That's intense." I gasp.

He just chuckles.

"Everything is fine. You're ok, the company is ok, the pack isn't hurt, neither is Arina or the baby. And Kai is in our cells, locked up." He started messing with my hair as I relaxed more into the bed when he told me that everything is fine.

"That's a relief. Is he telling you why he attacked me or anything?" I question.

He sadly shakes his head. "Not yet. We're going to sleep deprive him so he speaks. I'm not really about bloody torture when sleep deprivation usually works well enough."

I nod. "Just anything to get it out of him would be great."

Josh nods, and the door opens to reveal Ross again.

"Alpha, Luna." He addresses.

"In the future, please address Luna first." Josh corrects him.


"You deserve the absolute most respect, even when it comes down to the tiny details of who's title comes first. Luna is the most important." He says with such authority, that it leaves no room for argument.

"Continue." Josh turns back to the doctor.

"Well, due to advancing medical technology, we can determine your babies gender through blood testing. Would you guys want to know now?" He asked, setting aside his clipboard.

Josh looks back at me.

"What do you want?" He smiles.

I think for a moment. I do want to know, but I also want it to be a surprise. And I know just the way I can do that.

"We would like to know the gender, but we don't tell anyone else whatsoever. Not even Arina." I tell Ross.

He smiles. "Alright. May I take a quick blood sample?"

I nod.

Ross quickly gets my blood sample and leaves the room.

Josh is smiling.

"Do we really get to find out the gender?" He almost looks like a very excited puppy.

"Of course. I need to know the clothes I need to buy. Plus I know 'nesting' is a phase or whatnot in pregnancy, and the gender would really help with doing their nursery." I simply shrug.

"Wow. I truly know nothing about being pregnant." He simply squeezes my hand.

"Ha. Me neither." I snorted.

Josh let out a breathy laugh. "I love you ty."

I run my fingers through his hair. "I love you."

We decide to put on a quick tv show while we wait for Ross to get back with the results.

"Ok, I love how they make it possible for an Alien to love an Airforce officer in this." Josh comments.

I hum in agreement.

The door opens and Ross walks in.

I quickly pause the show.

"Are you guys ready?" Ross says seriously.

Me and Josh share a quick glance.

"Very." Josh tells him.

Ross nods, and flips a few pages on the clipboard.

"Congratulations, Luna and Alpha, you're having a baby..."


(Did you really think I would spoil it? ;) sorry. Love you all!)

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