Chapter 2

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Oh shit.

I could feel Josh's intense stare burning into my skin.

It took every single ounce of strength in my body to not look at him.

He already broke you once, and I'm not going to let that happen again.

I held my head high and followed my boss to where he wanted to sit.

Unfortunately, I had to take the spot right across from Josh.

Life just hates me, doesn't it?

"Alright, let's begin. I'm Dallon Weekes, and I'm in charge of Weekly Co. It's an absolute pleasure to have you here, Mr. Dun." Dallon begins. "To my right I have my CFO, Mr. Iero, and to my left, my personal assistant, Mr. Joseph."

Instead of giving Josh eye contact, I bent down to the side of my chair and pulled out my notebook.

"Nice to meet you all. It's a pleasure doing business with you." Josh returned the greeting, however, I could still feel his burning gaze.

I continued to flip to the correct notebook page I needed to be at, and I pulled out my pen.

"Let's discuss deals, shall we?" Dallon stated.


Deals go back and forth for a good amount of time, as I only make eye contact with Dallon and my notebook and write important details down. But I don't speak a word.

That is until...

"I can give you everything you want for this partnership to happen, but I only need one thing in return." Josh claims.

This has Dallons eyebrows raise. "And what night that be, Mr. Dun?"

I could feel his smirk as I continued writing.

"Your assistant."

My head shot up so fast, I thought I was going to get whiplash. Even with werewolf genes coursing throughout my body.

I lost all sense of control as I found myself looking into his Mocha eyes that has Cyprus begging for me to claim him.

Might I say, Josh looks good. His black hair is slicked back, face clean and shaven. A nice black suit hugs his well defined body, with no tie and one top button undone.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and Dallon coughs.

"Uh, I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" He asks.

Josh starts to look almost amused by the response given.

"I said, I would want your assistant."

I break eye contact with Josh, which has Cyprus growling at me in protest, and look at Dallon.

Dallon looks back at me for a moment, before looking back at Josh.

"Sir, all due respect, he is my hire and my PA. I'm afraid I cannot just hand his career over to you."

Josh nods and leans back in his chair. "And I see your point. But however, I do not have an assistant, and it seems like Mr. Joseph does an exceptional job at his role."

I glare at Josh.

"Mr. Dun, this is my career and my stable job you are talking about. I cannot just have CEO's messing around with it like it's a toy." I harshly snap.

I saw Josh shiver at my voice. It's the first time I have spoken to him in four years, and I expected for him to have that reaction.

"I understand that. However, I will give Mr. Weekes the deal he is wanting, and double the pay you are earning now." Josh replies.

Dallon looks over at me, and it takes me a moment to understand his expression.

"A-Are you kidding me? You just want to hand my job over to him?" I looked at Dallon in disbelief.

"Tyler, it would benefit everyone in this company. I could give many people raises and make better expansions with this company." He explains.

"So you're just going to ruin my career to benefit your company?" My voice is laced with anger, and I felt my eyes start to turn gold.

"It wouldn't ruin your career, Mr. Joseph. It would better it. In fact, you would be my PA for everything, and it will be a move-in job." I snap my head over to Josh.

If I move in, that means he will know about Arina. And he can't know about her. He'll just take her from me and reject me again. I know it.

"Hell no. I am happy and fine where I am at." I snarl. Cyprus was fighting his way through.

"Tyler, calm down." Dallon put his hand on my shoulder in attempt to calm me.

I saw Josh tense up the smallest bit at the action taken.

I shook Dallons shoulder off.

"You are toying with my career! You two think you can mess around with me, and my life!" I stand up in rage.

"Everyone, please excuse yourselves." Dallon tells the other workers, who are starting to get quite frightened by my outrage.

Dallon tried to calm me down as everyone makes their way out of the room, besides me, Dallon and Josh.

"I am making your career better. I am doing what's best for you, and the company at the same time."

I open my mouth to protest, but he shushes me.

"You know I care about you. You are an incredible worker, and this opportunity would really benefit you and everything in your life. This would change it for the better, which is why I am handing it over to Mr. Dun."

My stomach plummeted to the ground at what he said.

"I-I...Dallon you know about her. I would have to change absolutely everything for her and she won't like any of it." I couldn't throw Arina's name around in front of Josh.

"I know. But it will be fine. She'll come to terms with it eventually. She'll have too. And she loves you, and she'll do anything you will do." Dallon responds.

A tear fell down my face as someone grabbed my hand.

I turned around and it was Josh.

Tingles went everywhere from where he touched, but I felt repulsed.

I ripped I hand away. "Don't ever touch me." I growl.

Cyprus whined.

"Don't speak to me that way. I'm your boss now, remember?" Josh shot back.

"In your dreams. I may have just gotten the job, but I quit."

Josh's eyes widened.

"I'll never work for you."

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