Chapter 11

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I heard the door open, and the next thing I know, Arina was poking my face.

I open one eye and grab her. She squeals as I start tickling her on the bed.

"Mommy, that tickles!" She giggles and tries to crawl away from me.

"Oh no you don't." I playfully say, and bring her back towards me and I start kissing all over her face.

"Ew, mommy that's gross." Arina laughs.

"No it's not pumpkin, I'm just showing you how much I love you." I continue to shower her with kisses.

I saw Josh sit up in my peripherals and watch us until Arina finally wiggles her way out of arms, and hides behind Josh.

"Protect me Jish!" Josh smiles as he picks her up and sets her on his lap.

Arina pokes her tongue out at me, and I dramatically gasp.

"Did you just stick your tongue out at me?" I fake a hurt tone.

She nods.

"Well, I guess no ice cream today." I cross my arms, and her face falls.

"Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" She quickly apologizes.

I raise an eyebrow.

Josh just laughs. "Cmon, Stop playing around. Ice cream is a serious deal."

I let my fake demeanor fall and I smile at the sight.

"Can we still go get ice cream?" Arina looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes we can. Just let me get changed into some better clothes, ok pumpkin?" I explain.

Arina nods and hops off the bed. "I'll go get her some breakfast." Josh looks over at me.

I nod and quickly peck his lips.

"Wait, one more." Josh begs.

"Nope, go get her food." I push him off the bed, and he growls. I got off the bed as well, and I get attacked with Josh planting one last kiss on my lips.

"I always get what I want, babe." He smirks and leaves the room. I just roll my eyes.


"What do you want pumpkin?" I look at Arina, who is in my arms right now.

"Mint chocolate!" She says excitedly.

The ice cream worker smiles and prepares her ice cream.

Me and Josh already had our ice cream in our hands. He goes to pay for it, and we walk outside since it's a warm day.

We sit down at one of the tables outside and Arina starts quite the conversation.

"Mommy, do I have a Dad?"

I choke on my food and Josh freezes.

"What?" I ask her.

"Do I have a dad?" She asks again.

I look at Josh, and I give him a glare, to which he puts his hands up in a surrender as if to say 'I promise I didn't say anything.'

"Did anyone tell you that you had one?" I slowly ask her.

She shakes her head. "People in my class just say they have a mommy and a daddy. But I don't think I have a dad?" She looks almost sad.

I look from Josh to Arina, over and over.

Arina looks sad admitting she doesn't have one, and Josh looks pained by not telling her.

Everyone has a weakness, and mine is Arina. Especially sad Arina. I hate to let her down, but sometimes it's just what parents have to do.

But right now, I had no idea what to do. I know I told Josh last night that I didn't plan to tell her, but I also didn't expect her to ask me so soon.

"Well, you do have a Dad." I slowly say.

Arina's sad mood is lifted, and Josh looks confused.

"I do?"

I nod. "You do. Everyone has a mom and a dad."

"Do I know him?" She asks. I glance back up at Josh, who is just suffering.

He stands up, and Arina looks over to him. "I'll be right back. I just need to go wash my hands."

Arina nods, and Josh walks back inside.

"Arina, you do have a dad, and you do know him. But things are just really complicated right now for me to tell you." I explain.

"Why is it to coplicatid?" She tries to pronounce complicated to the best of her abilities.

"You'll understand when you're a little bit older." I smile sadly.

"But why can't I understand now? I just want to know who my dad is." Arina almost cries, and it pains me.

"If I tell you, them you won't want to go back home. And we need to go back home soon."

"No I won't. I want to stay with you. I love you mommy." She tells me with a smile.

"I love you too. Now eat your ice cream, you don't want it to melt." Arina started eating her ice cream again as Josh came back out.

"You know, if I could choose my dad, I would want it to be Jish." Arina brings the subject back up again.

I stop eating my ice cream and put my head in my hands.

This seriously cannot be happening.

"And why would you want me?" Josh asks her.

"Because you're really nice. And you give me ice cream." Arina giggles.

Josh smiles. "I think you're really nice too."

No longer hungry, I stay silent as I watch them eat.


I don't know if watching Arina and Josh eating ice cream, made me start to feel hot, but it was starting to get ridiculous.

Arina and Josh were talking about Nemo, again, before I interrupted.

"Is it hot out?" I ask them.

Josh looks over at me, concerned. "'s warm. Are you okay?"

"My skin is starting to burn, and I didn't pack any sunscreen."

Josh nods. "Let's go back to the packhouse then." He throws away the trash really quick, and picks Arina up.

Shit, my skin is really starting to burn. And it was getting really hot.

As soon as everyone is in the car, I adjusted the AC so it's blasting cold air.

"Goddess tyler, are you alright?" Josh examines me as he starts the car.

"Just drive back to the packhouse." I pant

Then it hits me.

I'm in heat.

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