Chapter 9

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I woke up because I was cold. I wasn't as warm as I was all night.

I look around and it takes me a few moments as to know why I'm in josh's room. He carried me here after my bad dream.

I felt my face heat up at the thought of us sleeping together. Oh, not like sleeping sleeping, just sleeping.

Then I remembered I had said his name. I close my eyes and face palm. So much for not getting attached.

I step out of his bed to go look for Josh. To scold him or thank him, I'm not sure.

I walk into the kitchen and stop when I see an unfamiliar person. They turn around and smile at me.

"Tyler, right?" He asks. Wow, he just asked a simple question and he has so much energy. I can tell.

"Who's asking?" I raise an eyebrow.

He laughs. "I'm Brendon Urie. The beta."

I nod with my mouth in an O shape.

"If you're looking for Josh, he's in the training room downstairs. He boxes or drums in his free time."

I nod. "Thanks Brendon."

He takes a gallon of milk out of fridge. "No problem." And starts drinking straight from the carton.

I left the kitchen to go downstairs. Now which room was the training room, I had no idea.

I poked my head into each room, until finally I heard the faint sound of punches. I follow the sound to the last door on the right side of the hall, and I see Josh punching a bag in the middle of a boxing ring.

I lean against the door and watch him. His black hair is slicked back with sweat, and his back was turned to me. He was only sporting a pair of shorts, as if to have his back muscles taunt me whenever he moved.

As I was busy looking at his appearance, I didn't notice him turn around and stop the punching bag from swinging.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

"What happened last night?" I tilted my head and walked into the room, looking around at all the weird equipment.

His face fell. "You serious?"

I chuckled and stopped at the edge of the ring, looking up at him. "No, I remember."

He let go of a breath he's been holding and met me at the edge of the ring, and sat down so we were more on an eye level.

"Are you here to yell at me?" He questioned.

I thought for a moment, before I shrugged. "I'm not sure whether to yell at you or thank you."

He gave me a surprised face. "I hope you don't yell at me."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Although you're small, you got one hell of a voice."

"I'm not small."

"Yes you are." He argues.

"I am not. You're just tall." I retort.

He laughs. "Alright, then join me in the ring. Prove that you're not small." He challenges.

I scoff. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Grab the red padding on the bench over there while I take down the punching bag. I promise I won't hurt you." He nods over to a bench, where sure enough, there was some red padding.

I look back at Josh and he has a raised brow.

"Fine." I give in, and he smiles. "I'll make sure to properly put them on you, just bring them over."

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