Chapter 23

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It was a cold autumn day in mid October, and I sported one of josh's sweaters. It went down to the bottom of my thighs, and my the sleeves covered my arms with another few inches to spare.

Josh was currently in his office doing some work for his company and the pack. He constantly got busier and busier as the days went on, and it was really starting to make me feel lonely. Sure, I still had Arina and my mom and siblings, but I just really wanted to spend time with my mate.

I was pacing around in our room, my thoughts going all sorts of different directions about the Luna Ceremony.

I know me and Josh were fully mated, and that's most of gaining the Luna title, but the Ceremony completes it all. And I have yet to do that.

What will the pack think when they find out it was one of their Omegas? Would they hate it? Accept it?

Would they think that me and Josh were going way too fast now that we were suddenly expecting our second kid, when they didn't even know there was one in the first place?

Groaning, I flopped onto the bed just as Josh walked in.



"Did I wake you up?" I hear him close the bedroom door.

Flipping my body so I was now resting on my back, I shook my head. "I wasn't even trying to sleep." I tell him.

I watch him undo his tie and unbutton his shirt.

Goddess, thank you, for giving me not only a kind and smart mate, but a very attractive one as well.

He strips down to just his boxers, which is how he sleeps on the nights we don't have time for fun.

I happily drink up the sight of my mate looking absolutely sexy. I grin at the sight of my mark on his neck, which was of course, a crescent moon and a star, with the initials T.J below it. I was absolutely in love with it. But I still liked Josh's mark on me better.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He snaps me out of my eye raping.

"Where's my phone?" I sit up and look around, finding it on the nightstand.

I quickly grab it and open the camera, and take a photo.

"You actually took a photo?" Josh smiles, and I take another one.

"I just took like, twenty one." And it was true, I was still rapidly pressing the button.

He just let out a breath laugh, and suddenly he was gently on top of me, careful of my bump.

I feel him kiss my mark.

Oh, this night was going to be great.


My back was pressed against Josh's chest, his arms wrapped around me.

I couldn't stop thinking about the Luna Ceremony.

"Josh?" I whisper.


"Do you think I would be a good Luna?" I asked him, very straight forward.

I adjusted myself so I was turned around, and looking at him.

"What makes you ask that?" He looks concerned.

"I never had an opportunity for the Luna Ceremony. And it almost makes me wonder if you even want me as your Luna?" My voice gets softer with the last few words.

He moves his hand up to my hair, and gently combs his fingers through it.

"Of course I want you as my Luna. You have always been one in my eyes." He gives me a gentle smile.

"But what about being a Luna in the packs eyes?" I frowned.

"The pack will just have to accept you. You are my mate, my other half that the moon goddess chose specifically for me. I know she would never choose the wrong wolf to fulfill the Luna position. They will put trust in the both of us, and if anyone has a problem with it, they can either suck it up, or go running for the hills with their tails in between their legs."

I let out a small laugh when he finished.

"When do you think we can announce this to the pack?" I question.

"Well, whenever I have had spare time in between my work and Alpha duties, I was planning your ceremony."

I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry if that has been taking away time between you and I, but everything is about finished and ready to go. I just want to know if you want to wear the traditional Luna dress, or just nice white formal attire?"

I scrunch up my nose. "Definitely just white formal attire." Don't get me wrong, any gender can wear whatever the hell they feel like it, whether the clothing is more on the feminine or masculine looking, but I wasn't really one to wear feminine articles of clothing.

Josh laughed and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Alright, I'll make sure you get that."

I grin. "Will there be any food?"

"Of course. It will just be an open serve buffet of many things. Unless, of course, you would like to change that?"

I hum. "Probably not. The pack should just have the night to feel free and have fun after listening to a boring speech about how a wolf ranking is better than theirs."

"Do you really think that's how Luna ceremony's are?" Josh asked, quite surprised.

"When I was younger, but now I view it as one of the most important things a pack should do. It connects everyone and each pack member feels safer, in a way, with who's governing the pack."

Josh just examines me with shining eyes. He pulls me closer (somehow) to him.

"What?" I look at his big, goofy grin.

"You're very intelligent. You're going to be a perfect Luna, Ty." He genuinely told me.

I felt my face heat up at the compliment. It was simple, but everything I needed to hear, even after this long discussion.

"I love you, Josh." I bring my hand up to his cheek and slowly rub my thumb across it.

"I love you to the moon and back." He sweetly says, but he was not going to win this.

"I love you to the stars and back." I say, matter-of-factly.

"Oh really?" He says while laughing.

"Why are you laughing? This is a serious matter." I start laughing along as well, because goddess, his laugh is the most contagious laugh ever. Not that it's a bad thing.

"More serious than your Luna Ceremony?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Nothing is more serious then my love towards you, you coward."

He playfully growled.

"What? You'd only go to the moon and back for me. I'd go to the stars and back." I ruffle his hair, and he growls again.

He quickly traps my lips in his, which I moan at the sensation.

We soon stop kissing after a while because we realize how late it has gotten.

"Hey Josh?" I mumble, half asleep. I just needed to tell him the most important request to be made at the Ceremony.

I hear him hum in response.

"Make sure Taco Bell is included in the buffet."

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