Chapter 12*

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*Warning: This chapter contains smut*

The burning was starting to intensify, and we weren't back at the pack house yet.

"Fuck tyler, are you wearing a perfume or something?" Josh asks out of the blue.

Not able to speak, I shake my head.

I'm just in heat and letting every unmated wolf around me know!

Gathering what strength I could, I looked over at Josh.

"," I start to breath heavily "I'm....heat." I could barely finish.

Josh nods and his eyes glaze over for a moment, before returning back to normal.

"She's going to be outside." I watched as Josh's hands on the steering wheel tensed up and his eyes flicked back and forth from brown to gold.

"I didn't know you still dealt with heats." He said lowly.

"Unmarked..." I mumbled.

"Fuck tyler, my wolf is going crazy at your scent right now." He growls.

Mine too.

Josh finally pulls into the packhouse and I see my mom. She runs to my side of the car and gets me out as fast as she could.

"Josh, take Arina inside." She instructs, and gives him a look he can't protest with.

She helps me in the house and to my room, not josh's, and locks the door.

"Lay on the bed and take off our shirt and pants." She tells me, and disappears into the connected bathroom.

I quickly strip away from my clothes, it helping for barely a moment before I wanted to scream again at this unbearable pain.

In what seemed like forever, my mom comes back out of the bathroom.

"I can't lift you, but there's an ice cold bath waiting for you, so let's get you in there." She gently explains.

I didn't want to move from my position on the floor, but that sounded really nice and helpful right now.

I crawled my way to the bathroom and my mom helped me get in the bath, the freezing cold water helping me for a moment.

'Josh, we need Josh.' Cyprus whined.

'No, no we don't.' I argued

'His touch will help us cool down. We need him.' Cyprus urged me.

'No! He will mark us if I go to him, so this is the worst time to need Josh.' And with that, I blocked Cyprus out of my mind.

Letting the ice cold water help for a brief moment, I started to scream as the heat came back, but far worse.


It's been a few hours, and I kept going in and out of consciousness due to the pain being so bad.

'Please tyler,' I could barely hear Cyprus come through.

I laid on the now stripped bed, in just my boxers. The only thing keeping me sane right now was one of Josh's shirts she stole from his closet.

'He's right outside the door.' Cyprus whined.

I knew he was on the other side. He's tried to get into the room several times, but couldn't because the door was locked. He's been pacing right in front of the door, growling and scaring anyone off that came close.

If I unlock it, he can help me and all this pain can go away.

But I didn't have time to think on that as I slipped back under.

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