Chapter 16

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It's been a week.

A week since I left.

A week since Arina cried for her Dad.

A week since I felt my last drop of happiness fade.

A week since the morning sickness started.

I hunched over the toilet, throwing up what little I had of the dinner last night.

A gentle knock sounded at the bathroom door, and I looked up to see Jenna.

Jenna had been such a blessing and has been taking care of Arina while I've been stuck in this pain I couldn't escape.

"Hey tyty." She smiled. "I brought some soup."

I get up and flush the toilet. "Thank you."

Jenna hesitates for a moment. "Dallon wants to see you again. Today, preferably. He wants to give you your job back."

I raise an eyebrow. "Really?"

She nods. "He said something about you being the greatest assistant he's ever had."

I nod. "I'll see him later today."

Jenna smiles. "Alright. I'm going to take Arina to the movies, if that's ok?"

I nod. "It's fine, thank you."

She turns to leave, but turns back around for a moment.

"You know, last time I saw you like this, you were barely pregnant with Arina."

My eyes widen, because she's correct. But I shake my head. "I can't possibly be pregnant Jenna. I told you we used protection."

She shrugged. "It doesn't always work. Anyways, I'm going to get going. Arina's excited to see Aladdin."

I nod and she leaves


I walk in the familiar office building, and into the elevator.

I feel myself grow nervous as it travels up. It opens with a ding on the floor, and I slowly step out onto the familiar office floor.

I walk up to a receptionist outside of Dallons office.

"I'm here to see Mr. Weekes?" I stammer.

She nods. "What's your name?"

"Tyler Joseph."

She clicks a button on the desk phone, and I hear Dallons voice for the first time in four weeks.


"A Tyler Joseph is here to see you?"

"Send him in." And the phone line clicks.

She smiles at me and I go into his office.

"Tyler!" He greets and gives me a hug.

"Hi Dallon." I return the hug.

"Listen, I'm sorry about that meeting. I didn't know that the Joshua Dun was your mate."

I shrugged. I told him many times, but I didn't know he ran a company either, so we're both at fault here.

"It's alright. I'm back now." I give a fake smile.

He crosses his arms. "What happened to you?"

Oh Dallon, he's always been able to see right through me.

I unbutton the top buttons on my shirt and show him the mark. Since it was really painful to be away from Josh, it looked red and irritated.

"Tyler..." He trails off as he sees it.

"He played me, Dallon." I choke and start crying again. Whenever I think of him, I cry.

He wraps his arms around me again, and leads me to the couch in his office where he sets me down.

I start explaining everything, from when he dragged me back until up to this very moment. He never interrupted, never gave his advice I didn't ask for, he just listened.

"Wow..." Dallons eyes held remorse.

"Please don't say anything about this, to anyone. I won't be able to handle it if the story spreads around." I take a tissue and wipe the tears falling on my face.

"I won't. Just do one thing for me?" He asks.

"What?" I sniffle.

"Go see a doctor. Jenna might be right. And if she is, you need this job more then anything. I'm already willing to hire you back, but it's yours for sure if it's true."

I didn't want to go to a doctor. Not yet.

"I'll set up an appointment. I'll grab some tests on my way back home and I'll call you."

He nodded. "Sounds like a plan."


I close and lock the front door of my house. Jenna has a key, she'll be able to get in later.

I walk into my bathroom connected to my bedroom, and lock that as well.

My hands shook as I took the tests out of the plastic bag. I had three different tests, two cheap and one expensive. I decided I'm only going to do the expensive one if both of the cheap tests come out positive.

Taking a deep breath, I carefully followed the directions on the cheap tests.

I set an alarm on my phone and sat on the floor. My entire body was shaking in anticipation at what was going to happen.

Soon the alarm went off, and reluctantly I got up and turned over the tests.

I saw faint positive lines on both of them.

"No, no no no." I took the expensive test out of the packaging and followed the directions.

I set another alarm and this time I went out into my room.

I heard it go off. But I didn't move from my bed. I just shut off my alarm and didn't move.

I stared at the door of the bathroom. I didn't want to go in and look. I needed someone with me.

Picking up my phone, I called Dallon.

"Are you ok, Tyler?" He asks immediately as he picked up.

"Can you come over?"


I heard Dallon enter my house with a spare key found under a flower pot.

I still stared at the bathroom door as I heard him enter my room.


I took a deep breath. "Can you go in there and tell me what it says? I'm too afraid to look."

I see him nod out of the corner of my eye, and I start shaking as he enters the bathroom.

He comes back out a few seconds later, looking at the test.

His face didn't really give anything away. If it's one thing Dallon knows how to do well, it's a poker face.

I stand up and look at him.

"Well? What does it say?" You could hear the nervousness in my voice.

"2-3 weeks." He looks at me.

I felt my heart drop, and my hand rests on my stomach.

"It says you're pregnant, Tyler."

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