Chapter 17

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I sat back down on my bed.

"Tyler? Did you hear me?" Dallon sets the test down on the nightstand.

My mark started to burn again, and I broke down into sobs.

"Now I'm pregnant with his second child, Dallon. How else can he ruin me?" I cried as he started to hold me.

I heard the front door open and Jenna talking to Arina.

I believe Jenna heard my cries, because she quickly settles down Arina to do her homework, and comes in the room, and locks the door behind her.

"Tyler, what's wrong?" She rushes to me. I point to the test on my nightstand, and she goes over to look at it.

"Oh tyler..." she grabs a few tissues and starts wiping the tears off my face. Dallon still held me as I just cried and Jenna wipes my tears.

"What do you want to do with the baby?" Dallon asks.

"I'm going to keep it no matter what. Yes, I wish this could have happened under better circumstances, but this baby is mine and I can't just get rid of it." I take a deep breath.

"Alright. Let's call the doctor and set up an appointment then, Alright?" Jenna takes my phone and looks up a number for the nearest office.

After the call ends, I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon.

And as soon as my sadness about this leaves, I grow excited to see my baby.


"Tyler Joseph?" I stand up at the sound of my name and follow the nurse into a room, where she asks me a series of questions about my medical history.

After I tell her everything, she takes my blood. "We're just going to run official tests for hcG in your blood. That will confirm if we need an ultrasound or not." She explains. I nod, and she takes my blood to the testing lab.

I looked around the room. Photos of diagrams of pregnancy's rested on the walls, and the scent of sterile tools invaded my senses.

I didn't know how long I looked around until an older man walked in, with graying hairs and a stubble.

"Alright tyler, I'm Doctor Carlyle, and I have your test results back. Congratulations, you are around 3 weeks pregnant." He looks up from his clipboard and pulls a machine out from the corner of the room.

"Let's just do an ultrasound really quick and see how things are moving along, shall we?" I nod, and he instructs me to unbutton my jeans and lift my shirt.

I lay on the weird bed and he grabs a bottle of a blue clear gel.

"This is going to be cold, just warning you." I nod and he spreads it on me. No matter how much I have had the gel on me, nothing ever prepares me for how cold it is.

Dr. Carlyle turns on the ultrasound machine and grabs the wand. He places it over my stomach and moves it around for a minute.

He stops when a tiny white dot appears on the screen. "See that?" He points to the jellybean shape.

"Yeah." I breath out.

"That's your baby." He smiles at me.

I couldn't stop staring at the white dot on the screen. I already felt an extreme amount of love for the jellybean.

"Would you like a photo?" He pauses the screen.

"Yes. I would like just one, please."


I step back in my house, my eyes still on the ultrasound picture. I couldn't stop looking at it.

Arina appears around the corner. "Mommy!" She runs to me and hugs my legs. I kneel down and give her a big hug. "Hi pumpkin. How was school?"

She snorted. "Jonah said he could make a bigger Mac and cheese necklace than me, but I won." She smiled, and I noticed she lost one of her front teeth.

"Arina! You lost your tooth!" I say. She nods. "I bit into a sandwich and suddenly it was gone!" She exclaims.

"Woah, you can get big adult teeth now pumpkin!" I tell her.

"Hi tyler. How did the appointment go?" Jenna appears around the corner.

"It went really good, actually." I let go of Arina and she ran back into the kitchen.

Jenna gave me a hug, and gasped when I showed her the photo. "Oh my! Your baby is so tiny." She takes the picture and examines it closer.

"They'll grow, don't worry." Jenna laughs.

"What are you hoping for? A boy or a girl?" I take a moment to think.

"Probably a boy, but having another girl would be just fine to me. Either way, I'll love them regardless." I take the photo back, and put it in my pocket.


Arina was now asleep, and I lay in bed, my body on fire.

I clutched at my mark, wishing the pain would go away. I didn't eat any dinner, because it started before then.

Dallon and Jenna were downstairs, doing who knows what. They weren't lovers in any way, just close friends, and they did almost everything together.

I cried at how intense the pain was getting. Something was wrong, very very wrong.

Jenna knocked on my door. "Tyler, I found something in your bag." She hands me a white shirt.

It was covered in Josh's scent. I carefully reach out for it, and it calmed my body down a little.

I brought it to my nose, and inhaled. As much as I hate him, I miss him so much.

Jenna combs back my hair, which is coated with sweat from my body trying to deal with the pain.

I cried out again, waves of stabbing pain pounded at my chest. "Jenna, something's wrong." I gasp.

She gives me a comforting smile. "It's ok, Tyler. Take deep breaths, you'll help yourself and the baby if you do that."

I nod, but when I try the pain intensifies. I shake my head and sob.

"I don't know how much more I can take, Jen. It hurts so much." I bring Josh's shirt closer to me.

"You can get through this. I believe you can. You're a fighter, baby." She tells me.

My vision starts to dance around before I slipped into unconsciousness.

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