Like a Boss

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Song for this chapter "Fire on Fire" Sam Smith

This chapter is dedicated to Roland... Roland Harris.

As Roland

I know a lot of people hate me or maybe envy me is a better choice of word. I am from old money. I am more than rich. Throughout my life I could have anything and anyone I want. I have dated supermodels and movie stars. I have private jets, yacht and houses allover the world. YET all that I owned does nothing for me and only Lorraine makes me happy. For once I feel there is someone worth living for in life. When you are a guy like me that can have anything, nothing has too much meaning anymore. That one summer night when I ran into Lorraine was the best night ever. I know she is young, extremely young. I am thirty and she is only nineteen now. I never thought the day would come that I would want to spend the rest of my life with anyone until Lorraine showed up. I did fall in love once and almost got engaged to a woman a few years back, but I found out she cheated on me. The rumors are true... I never stay with the same woman more than a month. But with Lorraine, it's different. She makes me feel alive. Secretly I am living through her. I love her and I decide she would be the only one I would marry. The thing is she is just too young still and I must wait until she finishes school. There is one problem though and his name is "Shane." To me if something can be solved with money, it's not a problem. But Shane is different. I cannot buy him off. Everyone has a price but not him. He is part of the Fowler family. I can see the strong bond between Lorraine and him. I just know when the time comes I will claim what is mine. No one, I mean no one can come between Lorraine and I.

Let me give you a little history of my family background. We are definitely a household name brand. If you have a female in your household, you would have our products at home. My family is filthy rich. I had an older brother but he passed away in a ski accident when he was 16. He was 4 years older than me. I became the only child to the Rolands. I did not lie when I said that I wanted to be a chef. Growing up I have always loved to watch my grandmother as she cooked. My grandmother was half Italian from my father's side. But after my brother's death, I knew my dream to be a chef would never happen at that point. That is why whenever I could, I would cook. Cooking helps me relieve stress and whenever I have anxiety. But Lorraine, she has a way to make me forget all my problems too. And the fact that she was a virgin when we met made everything even better. When she told me she wanted me to be her first, I was amused and in awed. I have been a client of the Fowler's Investment for a while and that one party at the Fowler's changed my life. That was the night I met Lorraine and my rollercoaster ride began. I have to say it is so crazy to be in her world. She is young, wild and free. But Roland Harris is always up for a challenge. I know Shane is there and honestly do I a fuck. I really don't.

I asked Lorraine too ... If she has to choose now whom would she choose. She jumped on me and said "Roland Harris." She told me she is so in love with me. I can tell you Lorraine didn't lie when she told me she would pick me. But I know Shane also has a hold on her. Lorraine even told me herself when we first started seeing each other that it was her dream to marry Shane since eight. He was her first love. Now after a year of being away she is still as confused as ever. She never asked me about that night when I had someone over. And when she asked me if I changed my sheets, I knew why she was aaking. I did have a model over that night. I found out I had cancer and it may be sick but I needed to find out if I can still have sex. I didn't fuck the model, she gave me blowjobs. We didn't sleep in my bed, we were in the guest room. I never allowed anyone to sleep in my bed after I met Lorriane. I know Lorraine didn't ask me about that night because she felt she has no right. If you ask me have I been seeing other women on the side, yes I have. They mean absolutely nothing to me. Honestly Lorraine is the only one I plan to spend the rest of my life with.

I got her a gift... And as soon as she flew back to Connecticut, my gift to her was there.

 And as soon as she flew back to Connecticut, my gift to her was there

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She called me right away "Roland Harris you are spoiling me." I knew she would be thrilled "I hope you like it." She screams "Are you fucking kidding me? I love it." I know what she likes and what she needs. She asked me how did I know she liked this car... I told her I just knew. Actually I always see her looking whenever a Range Rover passes by. Don't forget I deal with a lot of women in my business and I know women.

Back to the Fowlers. I know I am one of their most prestigious clients. I always separate business with my personal life. Shane on the other hand cannot. Sometimes when I have business meetings with Kyle and him, I can tell Shane acts indifferent. At times I would ask to speak to Kyle only. Kyle is the mature one. He asks me one day what is my intention with Lorraine. I told him my plan is to marry her. He pats me on the shoulder "I trust Lorraine will choose the one that makes her happy."

She was so cute one day when she said to me "I have never heard of you in the past... You are like a rockstar but in a business world." I had to chuckle. I knew for the earlier part of her life, she pretty much lived by the rules. She did not want Kyle to worry nor be a burden to him. She studied hard and got into Yale. She told me she never dated in high school. She was saving herself for Shane. BUT she told me when I came along... Things changed. She never would have thought she could love anyone else but Shane. I was touched by her words and now it's time she loves me and only me.

As Lorraine

Before I left LA I have stayed all three days at Roland's. He told me he wanted me at his home and even told me I could invite Chelsea over to hangout if I was bored. He said it would make him happy to know I would be there when he gets home from work. I did invite Chelsea over and she said it definitely felt like I was lady of the house. She saw the portrait that Lucas painted of me on the wall and was somewhat surprised "That's some serious shit...It's strange Roland would hang your painting up on his wall." She said it's like telling other women that the girl in the painting is the real deal, the rest of them has no chance. She told me to think about it, if I saw another woman's picture on his wall... How would I feel. I never thought of it that way. She asked me if I have a picture of Roland in my room and I told her no. She reminded me I have pictures of Shane though... which was true. But Shane has been in my life forever. Shane sent me dozens of texts and made sure I was Okay. He asked me why I rather spend the few days I have left here with someone that was an outsider than to be spending it with family. I just told him I will home the day before I leave.

As Roland

I really wanted to help Lorraine rent a nicer place near Yale. But she tells me she really likes her living arrangement right now. Ryan her roommate seems nice enough but I would like to be able to stay with her when I am there. I plan on visiting her more and I know Shane would also be doing the same. This time I won't be as tolerant. I am done with sharing.

As I walked into the conference room today, Kyle and Shane were already there. I sat down facing Shane across the conference table. I am here to discuss a possible merger and acquisition with another world renowned brand. The meeting was over two hours long and went smoothly. I can always trust Kyle. I invited Kyle and Shane to lunch and Shane looked at me "You guys go ahead. Lorraine wants me to get a few things for her since I might be flying over to see her soon." I look at him "Thanks for always watching out for her Shane. She is very fond of you... Just like a brother." I gave him a pat on the arm "We are going to be family too." I look over at Kyle "Let's go."

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