Love Me Like It's The Last Time

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Song for this chapter "Like You'll Never See Me Again" Alicia Keys

As Lorraine

That morning after my surprised birthday party, something happened.

Let me recapture everything for you.

It was around 10:30 am or so, there was a knock on our hotel room door. I went to open the door and it was room service. I had no idea whom ordered room service so I let the guy in. Everyone was just sitting around and when the guy pushes the cart inside the room, suddenly he lifts up the cover to a plate. What happens next I will never ever forget.

The guy takes a gun from the plate and points at us. At first I still have no idea what was going on when he has a gun in hand. I heard Roland asking him "What do you want. You want money?" The guy was laughing and shaking his head "No I don't want money I want my job back." Shane says to him "Just put your gun down." The guy points the gun at Shane "Shut the fuck up." I start thinking why is he in our room. Kyle tries to calm the guy down "Why don't you put down the gun first and we could help you with whatever you want." He laughs even harder "It was you rich people that got me fired. I have 4 kids and a wife at home that I have to support. And what do you fuckers do? File complaints to the management and had me fired? I will kill you all and I will kill myself." At this point Chelsea starts to cry and I try to walk over to her and the guy screams "Don't move bitch." I raised my two hands "Okay... Okay." Then the guy starts pacing back and forth while pointing the gun everywhere. Lucas starts to talk to him. He asked the guy what his name was and he said Joel. He said he got fired from his job because of people in this very suite filed a complaint against him just because he didn't bring enough utensils. He kept on rambling on and on about 'goddamn' rich people. At this point, we could no longer understand a word Joel was saying. He was crying, screaming and laughing. We all knew he wasn't in the right state of mind. Roland tried to talk to him again "Joel we totally understand that you are angry. We could help you with whatever that you need." He laughs uncontrollably this time "You cannot help me. I'm doomed. They are going to lock me up." I am thinking to myself maybe this is the end for all of us. We are all going to die today in this room. I look at each and everyone of my beloved family and friends. I think to myself I am going to see my parents again soon. Then I look at Shane. He looks right back at me and mouthed the words "I love you Rain." This is not happening... I don't want to die yet. I look at Roland, he is standing next to me. I want to hold his hands. I slowly move my hand toward him and I think Joel is triggered by my movement and he fires the gun at me. What happened next was Roland pushed me out of the way and the bullet went through his chest. I have no idea what happened but all I saw was Roland on the floor and the blood soaked into his shirt. I look over and Joel was tackled to the ground by Shane and Kyle. I look again at Roland and I passed out.

When I woke up again, I was at the hospital. As soon as I opened my eyes I asked "Where is Roland? Where is Roland????" Kyle came over to me as I tried to get off my bed "Lorraine, he is in the operating room." I started crying at this point. I cried. I finally cried "Please take me to him. I just want to be close to him." Lucas comes over "C'mon I'll walk you over." He holds me by my waist. I start praying to God "Please let Roland be okay." I know this is my fault. What was I thinking to be making any kind of movement knowing Joel is unstable. If Roland dies, I don't think I can live anymore. As I sat outside the waiting room, something crossed my mind. Roland risked his life for me. He would die for me. At that moment I tell myself, if Roland makes it through I owe him my life.

I am not sure how long we all sat there. Shane got me coffee and water. How did we all get here. I am praying... praying hard to God to let Roland live. Chelsea came over and put an arm around me because without realizing, I was crying and shaking. So this is what it feels like to cry. This is what it feels like to be in pain.

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