Love Till The End

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"I'm unpredictable, I never know where I'm going until I get there, I'm so random, I'm always growing, learning, changing, I'm never the same person twice. But one thing you can be sure of about me is, I will always do exactly what I want to do." C. JoyBell C

Song for this final chapter "How Long Will I Love you" Ellie Goulding

As Lorraine

I will go ahead and finish my story now since Laia is asleep. What Claud told me that day made me run right back into Roland Harris, my husband's arms. Well Roland's cancer came back. This time it's gastric cancer. How did Claud know? Because Roland told him to please take care of me. He tells Claud that he knows the one person that truly loves me would be him. It just dawned on me that day when I ran into that young girl coming out from his house, it was no accident. Roland knew very well that I was going there to see him and he made sure that I see the girl coming out. I was so stupid to not think of it right away.

Roland found out his cancer came back just a week before I decided to be with him. He didn't want to be a burden to me and he didn't want me to be sad. Not only that, Claud also told me Roland was indeed his saver. Why did he have to keep everything a secret from me. When I rushed to his Nana's house that day and found him, I didn't know what to expect. I just knew I loved him and I wanted to be with him no matter what. I told him that day we will fight this together. He didn't have to do this alone. I said to him through tears he has always been there to catch me when I fall. Now it was my turn to be there for him.

No...I am not with him out of pity. It's out of love for him. I did choose him over Claud before he pushed me away. I simply love this man. I want to have a whole life time with him and have many many children. His Nana would be so pleased. I know he's still very worried that it will be a very long and hard road ahead for us but it doesn't matter. We did artificial insemination since Roland had his sperm in a sperm bank. He was very smart when he made that move. I mean he can still make love but because of cancer treatment, it makes his body weak. I told him I would like to have at least four babies with him.

I know his treatment is going well. Kyle, Lucas and Shane we are all rooting for him. Roland is family to them, he is my husband. Because I'm pregnant now, Roland is even more determined to fight his cancer. We actually moved into his Nana's house because both of us loved it there. We can watch the sunrise and the sunset together being up on the hills.

I am well over five months pregnant now and I am not doing gender reveal. Why? Because I don't know either. I want it to be a surprised. Deep in my heart, I would want a baby boy first. So he would take care of his baby sister later on... just like Kyle took care of me. I want our children to be loving and kind.

Roland and I are over at Kyle's. It's Lucas birthday today and we are celebrating at home. Oh Chelsea and Dylan got married and they have two boys. Yes two boys. She told me she wanted a girl but she decided not to get pregnant again. I told her she can be my daughter's godmother. I am up in my room when Roland comes in "What are you doing?" I show him what I'm holding in my hand, it is his baby picture. The time when I was mad at Roland, I decided to put away his baby picture. He takes the picture and looks at it "I rather our baby look like you love." I walk up to him and kiss him hard on the lips "No way Roland Harris. I want our kids to look just like you." He chuckles "I don't think our daughter should have manly features love." I smile "No... but she would be beautiful with your features."

Shane comes knocking on the door "Come on people. Let's eat and drink." I pat my stomach "Really? Drink?" He smirks "It's milk for you Rain." Roland and I walk hand in hand downstairs to join the party. Lucas has Laia in his arms "Look at auntie Lorraine, she is big as a hippo." I smack Lucas "Thanks a lot." Laia starts giggling, she is so cute. I raise my glass of milk "Happy birthday to french boy."

Later that night I am sitting outside by the pool just enjoying the warm breezy summer night. Roland comes and wraps his arm around my waist "What are you thinking about love?" I rest my head on his shoulder "I'm just enjoying the night breeze and I am thinking what a lucky girl I am." He cups my chin in his hand as he turns my face to him "You know I'm the lucky one. I have the person I love to spend my whole life with." He presses his lips on mine. I can never get tired of kissing those lips. I have faith that Roland will be okay. Like Claud once said "It's the faith that would lead to positive outcomes." And Roland of course, he is a strong man. He will fight this till the end. I look at him and he is still as handsome and sexy as ever. He has grown a beard now and I love it. It gives him even more character.

 It gives him even more character

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What can I say. I love this man. I will love him till my very last breath.

As Shane

I know a lot of people are wanting me to go and start dating. Kyle was getting frustrated with me "Bro... go fall in love with someone. Anyone. Girl or boy. Just go." There is something that I want to tell you all and I will only say it once. I am still waiting for Rain. Now you all think I'm crazy but there is a reason. One day Roland came to me and he told me something. He had me swear to not say anything to anyone at all. So I promised him. I'm sorry I cannot tell anyone but just know that I will wait for Rain and I will always be there for her till the end.

Author's note : The story of Lorraine has come to an end. I hope you all enjoyed the story despite the fact that she married the person that wasn't to your liking. Life doesn't always go as planned or the way you want it to be. Catastrophic things can occur in a split second and your life is changed forever. Even minor little things in life can lead to another and another. Cherish everyday that you can wake up to the morning sun.


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