Chapter 1: Adoption

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The Seven Deadly Sins. What do you think of when you hear those words? Some might say the actions and thoughts of the bad and unholy. Some would say demons of some sort. But for me? I think of something no one else ever would. I think of a family. A family of criminals looking for redemption. But, I didn't know that two weeks ago.

My name is Joe. Last name? Don't have one. No family. No friends. And no support of any kind. I've been in the foster care system my entire life. But have never gotten adopted. My real parents both died when I was only seven years old. I remember that night like it was just yesterday. It started with me getting up in the middle of the night after hearing my parents arguing. I slowly open the door, and peered out the crack. I can see my injured mother, and my drunken father, who has cornered her.

"God damnit Sharon! I told you I didn't want to hear about him again! You're my wife, and you do what I say!" My father, Frank, yelled at my mother, Sharon, probably talking about me,
as these arguments usually went down.

Frank was always jealous. He was angered by the relationship I had with my mother. Because once I came into the picture, he suddenly lost the attention he once had. His desires were no longer met...

"You're drunk again, aren't you Frank?! Always out drinking. What about Joe? What kind if example are you setting for him?"

That worthless man I called a father then slapped my mother. I remember, cowering in fear as I continued to watch the altercation.

"You shut your god damn mouth, bitch! You do what I say, when I say! And never talk back to me!"

She then got up, and slapped him back.

"Fuck you asshole! I'm going to file for fucking divorce on your sorry ass! And I'm taking my son with me!" She screamed

"You bitch! I need to teach you to behave!" I never heard him so mad in my entire life..."

That's when it happened. The sound of the glass bottle shattering, and him pulling the trigger still haunts me to this day.

Mind mind went blank. The next thing I knew, I was being chased down a dark hallway.

"Get back here you little bastard! You ruined my sex life!" My angry father, covered in my poor mother's blood screamed, running towards to me.

I ran into my room and locked the door. But it was no use. He kicked the door down, and tackled me. I fell through my wooden desk, knocking off a notebook, and spilling a pencil cup. The deranged man had his hands around my neck, until I picked up a pencil, and stabbed it through his right eye. I heard him scream in pain as he backed up off of me. That's when I heard footsteps. Looking up, it was a police officer, who had his gun pointed at my worthless father.


You're under arrest!" An officer said, grabbing him from behind, and putting him in handcuffs. I had gotten up, and ran over to another officer. Frank sat there, trying to fight back right before they tazed him. We were both taken outside of the house, where he was forced into a police car. He screamed loudly as they were trying to shut the car door. The officer then smashed his hand in the door, causing a horrifying scream.

"God damnit! All I wanted was sex! I wanted good sex!" The cop then slammed the door on him.

"Are you alright?" An officer asked.

It was a nightmare to remember...

After that, I was placed in a foster care system. But for many years, I was never even given a second glance. I was invisible to all the parents, and was seen as a target to the other boys. The years past, and I got older. It was a near miserable existence. That was when the crime rate in Baphomet City had shot through the room. Rumors of a group of Seven dangerous Individuals spread throughout the city. It was said that even the most hardened criminals were petrified by simply being in the presence of them. The Seven Deadly Sins... Baphomet's most notorious group of Villains.

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