Chapter 22: Despair And Rage

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School today was pretty difficult. Jack was still in the mental hospital, Kyle was kinda avoiding me for some reason, and my family seemed very upset over something I still can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen. I was walking down the hall, and that's when I spotted Sarah. I stopped for a moment. Should I talk to her? Bravely, I walked up to her, as she was grabbing her notebook folders, and a advanced calculus textbook. She put all of her stuff in her backpack, and closed the locker door. Then, she turned to face me, with an extremely unpleasant look.

"Oh. You."

"Hi Sarah. What's up?"

"Look kid. I know you saved Jack and I, but this doesn't mean anything. Okay? This doesn't give you the right to talk to me." She said, as she slammed the locker door, and walked away.

I was frustrated, but I shrugged it off. Eventually after a ridiculously long day of school, I was home. And unfortunately for me, I had to do my own algebra homework. After a grooling two hours of doing homework, I put my books back in my bag, and laid down on the the bed. This whole situation was becoming ridiculous. Then, I remembered something. I opened my nightstand drawer, and inside was a braclet that I made in art class. I grabbed it, and got back up, walking out the door.

Madeline was in her room, doing her homework. On the other side of the door, I knock. She sighed, before getting up, and opening it.

"Yes, Joe?" She asked impatiently.

"Can I talk to you?"

We were both sitting on her bed, and that's when I turned to her, being very nervous.

"I wanted to give you this. I hope you like it." I said, taking out the bracelet, and giving it to her.

She was shocked.

"This is mine?"

I nodded.

She actually smiled. The very first time I've ever seen her happy.

"You're so sweet, Joe..."

"I try. I've been meaning to give that to you for a while. I just forgot. With everything that's been going on, and my best friend in the hospital, I've barely been able to function."

I started to cry. Then, suddenly she hugged me.


It was so tight, I felt like I was a car in a compactor. But still, it was nice. We hung out a little bit in her room, and we watched a movie together. Afterwards, I brought my game console from my room, and hooked it up to her TV. I also brought in the tub of games, and opened it. She looked through them.

"These nerdy things all look the same to me."

"Here. How about this one?"

We ended up playing the fighting game that I played with Jack and Kyle. Some how though, she won every single time.

"Hah! Beat you again!"

I was just a tad bit annoyed, but happy that I actually got to spend time with her. After we were done, we walked downstairs, only to see Alex, Marvin, Grace, and Leonard all upset over something, and mom and dad arguing.

"Go wait in the car." She said, handing me the keys.



Shooken up just a bit, I didn't argue, and I did what she said. After I closed the door to the garage, Madeline walked over to mom and dad, andgot in between them.


Both mom and dad backed down in fear, as Madeline towered over both of the in height.

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