Chapter 27: Binary Bard's Satellite

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The satellite was quite massive in size. As it pointed its long cannon at the earth, a red energy was surrounding it, with an electirical current running through it. Wrath appeared from the other panel, which was located inside the satellite. But as she began to walk, she felt sharp pains running through her body. She fell to the floor, and cried out in pain.


Her hair turned into the purist tint of white, and her eyes turned blood red. The red veins in her body could all be seen bulging from her skin. A fiery red aura began to surround her entire body, and suddenly her clothes began to tear.

When she opened her eyes, she looked at her hands. The veins were nearly emerging from her skin. She stood back up. She was seven feet tall, and more muscular than before. Her red suit was torn at the sleeves, and the bottom of her shirt, and her pants legs ripped all the way up to her knees. The more pain she was in, the more her muscles and veins bulged, and the more the red aura began to flare up.

As she began walking, with very little effort, she punched down the door, leading into the next room. The cyborgs in the room, all looked at her in horror.

"Holy fuck! What happened to you?!" One of them asked.

"Doesn't matter. She can't stop us now. The Satellite is already ninety five percent charged."

The cyborgs all grabbed their weapons, and began attacking, with the sword welders charging at her, and the ones with blasters firing. However, every single blast from the blasters simply disappeared upon touching the red aura. One of the cyborgs was about to slash her, until she simply grabbed him, and punched a hole right through his body. She grabbed the one's sword, and with very little force, shattered it into pieces, before letting out a scream, which created a shock wave, instantly killing all of her foes at once. The cyborgs bodies all dropped to the floor, and short circuited.


As I began to wake up, I find myself inside of a red pod, with several tubes hooked up to my body.

"What the hell?!"

That's when I looked over next to me, and saw someone I wish I hadn't seen.

"S- Sarah?!"

Jack's sister was here as well. And the same thing happened to her as well. I pounded on the glass, trying to get her attention. But she wasn't responding.

"It's no use. She won't wake up."

I looked in front of me, and saw Milton standing there.

"You... What have you done!"

"I've only done what's needed to be done. Humanity's end is near. In only a few more hours, a new world will have been created."

I began pounding on the glass, trying to break free.

"Let me out Milton! Let me out!"

"I wouldn't count on it. But it does seem that you do have a chance. That infuriating girl!"

"W- Wrath?!"

"Yes. Your precious Wrath is here. However. By coming here, she's doomed humanity even further."

"How so? She's here to stop you!"

"You don't get it, do you? I've read up on all of your families files. I know everything I need to about The Seven Sins. And coincidently, that energy that's inside her body, is the very same energy that's powering this place. As soon as she dies, I'll toss her body in with the rest of the energy. And then the satellite will be fully charged."

"So you think you have it all planned out, huh Milton? Well let me break it to you. Wrath cannot, and will not be defeated by you! She's so much stronger than you think!"

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