Chapter 13: Futurecorp HQ

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"Please! No! Stop it! PLEASE!" A woman, screamed, as a very tall man tackled her to the ground. It was midnight, and they were in a dark alleyway, while it was raining. With the woman's clothes completely off, the man proceeded to do the most dispicable thing.

"How do you like that!" Said the man, with pleasure.

"Please stop..."

A little redheaded boy was watching everything that was happening.

"Stop it! Please!" The little boy cried and pleaded.

"Shut the fuck up!" The man said, grabbing the little boy's head, and smashing it against a dumpster three times.

The little boy layed there, in a pool of his own blood, crying.

The woman began crying even louder as she watched her son bleed out on the ground.

"Heh heh... Having fun?"

"No... STOP IT!" The woman screamed, but no one came to their rescue.

I sat up in bed instantly. I had another nightmare. It was about mom and dad. Not Richard and Jezebel. But my biological parents. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. Just as I did, my alarm went off. I hit the button, and sighed. Well today is the big fieldtrip to Futurecorp's headquarters, so naturally, I was excited. I dashed into bathroom, and got ready. When I was all dressed, I looked in the mirror, and pushed the blonde hair out of my eyes. I still couldn't forget that god awful dream... As usual, I went downstairs. But this time, Leonard was coming with mom and I. He folded up his wheelchair, and limped into the passanger seat. As we were driving, you could tell hiw excited Leonard was. He was practically shaking in his seat. My phone suddenly vibrated. I got a text from Jack.

"Dude! Today's the big day! You excited?"

I smiled, and replied with "Hell yeah, man!"

We made it to school, and I was walking up the stairs, when suddenly, I saw that Jack, and Kyle. were waiting.

"Mfffffphermmmmffff mfph!"

"Yeah! What Kyle said."

I looked at him in confusion.

"Umm. I never even understand what Kyle says. That parka hood is always in the way."

"He's just a little shy. Right Kyle?"

"Fffggglsssphmghf! Mfph!"

Jack, Kyle, and I walked directly to Mr. Williamson's classroom, and sat down at one of the long black tables. We waited for a half hour, until school officially started, and everyone in the class was here. Leonard came rolling in with a bunch of papers in his lap.

"Alright class. The bus will be here in about five minutes. Now remember to be on your absolute best behavior when at Futurecorp. If anything happens, you'll answer to the vice principal! Got it?"

Everyone agreed, as Leonard began handing out papers to the class.

"It can't be a fieldtrip, without some kind of paperwork, can it?" Jack complained.

"Hey kid. Wait til junior year comes around. It'll be a real bitch, then." Leonard said, handing Jack a paper.

Jack sighed.

Leonard got done passing out papers, and rolled over to my table.

"Hey Joe. A minute please?"

I got up, and followed him out the door, and left it cracked.

"Okay. Here's what you need to do. Take the flashdrive I gave you, and go up to the fiftieth floor. There you will find the main lab, with the master computer in it. The flashdrive also has a hacking sequence, which will activate as soon as it's inserted. All you have to do, is go to Dr. Sander's personal database, and download the employee files. Everything from their name, to everytime they used their ID cards. Okay?"

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