Chapter 16: The Plot Thickens

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Myself, and crowds of others were gathered in the streets as we saw the infamous Ratlord finally be defeated, and taken away by the authorities. Everyone was cheering, and The Seven Sins were standing in the middle of the the crowds, as the people cheered for them. Greed looked at Pride, and grinned.

"Damn kid. Could you have at least waited a second for us to get here, before you kicked villain ass?"

"Ha! You wish old man! But, I wouldn't have needed you anyway!" Pride said, more arrogantly than ever.

I couldn't help but smile. The downtown area was trashed, sure. But not one single person got hurt. And they finally captured a super villain. I couldn't hold in my excitment. Then, a limo with a familiar logo, came driving in out of nowhere, honking the horn, trying to disperse the crouds. It was from the VIRTUE Agency. Without haste, all Seven Sins got into the limo, and it drove away.

The Seven Sins sat in the conference room. The Director was quiet at first, but then began laughing.

"Ah haha! You Seven Sins!"

Everyone was confused.

"Wait. What's going on?" Lust asked, with confusion.

"You all took down one of the most dangerous villians in the entire city. Even when he had a giant killer robot! I guess, what I'm saying is, was that I was wrong about you. I-"

Pride interupted.

"Actually, I-"

Envy picked up a stapler, and threw it at him.


"Like I was saying! I was wrong about you all. Sure there is definitely room to grow, but you all have ability, that's for sure!"

The Director slid a folder down the table, and Greed caught it, and opened it. Not only were there more files on criminals, but, a check with an astronomical amount.

"Well, hello there, beautiful!" Greed said, as he whistled"

"Hey! Hold it right there, Mr. Money!"

Everyone laughed. Everyone except for Wrath.

Meanwhile, an attractive asian woman was sitting at the table of a chinese restaurant, looking at her phone. She fixed her hair, as she straitened her pendant, which had the charm of a panther on it. Suddenly, an attractive man walked up to her, and sat down.

"Hey there, pretty girl! What's your name?"

"Lijuan." The woman said, reluctantly.

"Ooo! That's a sexy name!"

Suddenly, from under the table, her claws came out.

"If you're not to busy later, I got a hotel room, all to myself, if you wanna, get busy."

"I'm sorry... But I'm actually a lesbian. And even if I wasn't, I most certainly wouldn't be interested in you..."

"Oh come on! You're gonna have sex with me, wether you want to, or not!" He screamed.

Lijaun was about ready, to attack him with her claws, until suddenly, someone else walked up to the table.

"Excuse me. But I believe you're in my seat..."

"Oh come on! You're just a fucking kid! How could you land such a sexy girl! Besides, she's says she's a lesbian!"

"Look buddy. Both of us said to beat it! Now go before this gets especially ugly! Understand?!" Lijuan said.

The guy got up, and started mumbling, as he walked away. Then, the other guy sat down. He was wearing a red hoodie, with the hood up.

"Sorry I'm late. I had other bussiness."

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