Chapter 15: The Ratlord Returns

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It was the next day after my terrifying experience from yesterday. Myself, Jack, and Kyle spent hours getting chased around the mansion by Alex with a chainsaw. But she seemed to enjoy herself. And Jack Kyle got to land face first into my mom's bosom. But little did I know that today would be even more terrifying. Once again, my alarm clock went off. I sighed and pressed the snooze button. I was not ready to get up at all. School has honestly gotten a little out of hand, especially in Mr. Greene's algebra class. I closed my eyes for just one second it seemed like, when the alarm went off again. I rolled over, and sighed, balling my hand into a fist, and pounding the button on the alarm, before getting up, and cracking my neck.


About a half hour later, I struggled to walk up the stairs, given how how tired I was. I decided to skip going to the cafeteria, and went straight to the gym. When I walked in, I saw Marvin and hus buddies were playing basket ball, and he was dominating them. I shrugged, and climbed the bleachers, laying down across them, and using my backpack as a pillow. With the loud noise of the jocks distracting me from sleeping, I put in my earbuds, and layed back down.


A bank was lively with people depositing and withdrawing money. Everything seemed normal. Then all of a sudden, an explosion happened, killing several people. The explosion came from the safe, which the door fell over, and out came a swarm of rats. Lead by none other than the Ratlord, who was wearing some kind of glowing electronic mask. He walked towards the exit, killing people with a revolver.

"Freeze!" Yelled a security guard.

Ratlord grinned, before pulling out a grenade, and throwing it at the guards. Ratlord walked out if the building, carrying money, right before it exploded.

Then suddenly, a street thug came, and walked over to the Ratlord.

"Yo whats yo problem boi? You wanna gimme dat dough?"

Ratlord simply lifted the revolver, and shot him right between the eyes. The thug fell backwards, laying dead on the ground.

Back at school, I was woken up by Marvin, who shook me violently.

"Damnit! Wake up, Joe!"

I fully opened my eyes, and took out my ear buds.


"We're going home! Schools cancelled!"

"Wait. Huh?" I said, before he grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me out.

"What's going on?"

"Rats! Rats all over the city again!"

"Wait. So that means!"

"Yes! It could only mean one thing! Ratlord!"

Marvin got unlocked his car, and I got into the passenger seat, and closed the door. After he got in and sat down, he laughed in excitment.

"Ah hahaha!"

"You think this is funny?"

"Don't you get it? With that fucking oversized rat finally out of the sewers, I can get my revenge!"

Marvin was legitimately excited about this. Then, he turned the key, did a perfect donut, and took off out of the parking lot. About a half hour later, we were in Marvin's room, when suddenly, he started taking his clothes off in front of me.

"Woah woah! Can you at least let me turn around?!"

"Hey. I'm sorry that you're all jealous of my perfect bod!" He said, flexing.

I facepalmed, and turned around.

After about a minute, I turned back around, and saw that he was in his supersuit.

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