Chapter 26: Dark Skies

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The skies above Baphomet City were stained blood red, with the citizens of the city in complete panic. Whatsmore, yellow eyed people who were being mind controlled went on a rampage throughout the city. A teenage boy was running for his life, when suddenly, a cocktail molotov was thrown onto him, catching him on fire.

"GAAAAAH! IT BURNS!" He screamed, colapsing onto the ground.

A woman was pinned down onto her car, with a street thug beating her senseless with a baseball bat.

Several buildings were burning down as well. One even expoloded, with the rubble coming down and crushing an old lady to death.

"Grandma! NO!" Cried a little boy.

Sloth looked around in horror as he watched a teenage girl get brutally murdered by a brainwashed police officer.

"Okay. It's safe to say, that this is fucking crazy!" Pride said running up to him.

"For once I actually agree with you. At this rate, Baphomet City will be completely destroyed. And that's not even counting massvive death star in the sky!"

Greed and Lust looked at each other with saddened eyes.

"I'm sorry it came to this baby! To think that Joe could be out there, hurt. And it's all my fault."

"Oh Greed. Don't worry about that now! We have a city to save!"

He smiled.

"That's right. Baphomet City needs us!"

Meanwhile in the mountains

The elevator to Milton's Hideout opened up, and Jack and Kyle near collapsed after just managing to escape.

"Ugh... Never again..." Kyle said, about to throw up.

Both him and Jack looked up to see Marcus, with Bao.

"Woah! Bao! Watch out! He's right next to you!"

Bao gave a reassuring smile.

"It's fine. He's on our side now!"

Jack looked at him in confusion.

Kyle rolled his eyes, before noticing something off in the distance. It was Wrath. She was approaching them with a red aura surrounding her.


She stopped, glancing over at them.

"Where's Joe?!"

"He's in there!" Kyle said, pointing to the elevator.

"You gotta save him! And you have to stop Milton! He's gonna destroy the entire planet!"

Without any hesitation, Wrath pressed the button, and entered the elevator.
Suddenly though, the elevator began decending.

"What the hell?! I didn't even press a button yet!"

Upon reaching B1, it stopped, and opened. Wrath walked out, looking around. The big screen had shown that the satilite was charged to ninety percent. She saw that the computers were all empty. No one was in the room, except for one scientist, who was working on a tablet. Out of anger, Wrath grabbed him by the shirt, making him drop his tablet.

"Oh my god! Please don't hurt me! I know this looks bad-"

"Where's Joe?!" She screamed, increasing her grip.

"You're not gonna find anything out that way!"

Wrath looked up, and saw three cyborgs walk out of one of the doors.

"If you're looking for your younger brother, you can find him on the bottom floor of this facility. However, I'd strongly advise you to turn back...."

She dropped the scientist, and charged at the cyborgs. Dashing forward, and punching one of them in the face, she grabbed another one, and smashed the two of them together, and threw them against a wall. The third one charged at her with a cybornetic sword, slashing at her, but missing every single time. Finally, Wrath grabbed the blade, and with little effort, smashed it with her bare hands, grabbing the cyborg by the neck, choking him, until she threw him into the wall, next to the the elevator.

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