Chapter 21: The Truth Revealed

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I opened my eyes, to see that I was in a place I've never been to before. It was a farm. I was cuddled up with a cow, and her baby. Then I remembered. I came to this place because it was quiet. The calf started licking my arm. I couldn't help but feel happy, and smile. I petted the cow on the head, before laying back down. It was the very next day after dad had his meeting with Dr. Sanders. Apparently it didn't go so well. Not only that, but more people with those yellow eyes appeared. The cops busted several who broke into a bank, and stole millions of dollars. While the robbers were arrested on sight, the money itself was never recovered. What could the Binary Bard want with all that money? I guess that's a dumb question. I closed my eyes again, until I was startled at the sound of a chainsaw, and the bloodcurdling scream of a horse. Both of the cows, got up, and ran, making me fall into the pasture.


After hitting the back off my head very hard against the ground, I got up.

Walking into the pasture on the other side, I was shocked to see a dead horse laying in the pasture, with Alex licking the blood off her fingers.

"Mmm! This is better than human!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Just getting some fresh meat!" She said, before shoving raw horse meat into her mouth.

I about threw up, after seeing such a gruesome sight. That's when she started her chainsaw up again, and chased after another horse. The terrifying screams continued, as she brutally slaughtered the horse. I actually threw up this time.

About two hours later, I arrived at the mental hospital Jack was in. As I walked down the hall, I saw Jack by himself, drawing a picture.

"Hey buddy."

He looked up. But his expression was still the same.

"Oh, Joe." He said, before looking back down.

"Are you okay?"

He looked up at me again enraged.

"Does it look like I'm okay?!"

There was a breif silence before tears were coming from Jack's eyes. I was speechless. I couldn't even say anything.

"No one wants me. Not even my mom, or sister! I try all the time to talk to people at school, and they just ignore me, like I don't even matter! No one has ever given me a chance! The police told me that my real parents were killed by Panther, my so called "mother!" And that the only reason she kept me, was so she didn't get in trouble with the police! And I'll never forget what she said. That when she was done with me, she'd kill me like all the others!" Why?!"

"Jack. You tried to kill yourself! That's wrong!"

He started crying even more. At least I had my mom when I was young. And now I have The Seven Sins. But jack has nobody. So I guess it makes sense why he wanted to end his life.

"You know? You have me. And Kyle too! That's for sure!" I said putting my arm around him.

He wiped his tears, and smiled.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I think maybe it's time I explained myself."

"Wait. What?"

"Just please promise not to tell anyone."

He nodded.

"My foster family. They are actually The Seven Sins."

"Wait? Seriously?! So that was your mom that was fighting my mom? Lust."

"Yeah. I was a little shocked myself. Especially since the Sins used to be some of the most dangerous criminals around."

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