Chapter 24: Perfect World

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It's been about an hour since we entered that maze in Milton's hideout. Myself, Jack, Kyle and I were sneaking through the death maze, while looking out for any cyborgs who may attack us. I looked past a corner, and saw one approaching.

"Get down!" I whispered.

Out of instinct for our survival, the three of us dashed down, a pitch black corridor. Luckly, when I looked back they had already past us.

"Dude! What are we gonna do?!"

"Jack, calm down. We just need to find our way out of this place! It may be tough, but we have to push through! Fornthe fate of the entire world!"

"You're right!"

"We're not running anymore! It's time to fight! Once one of those things drops its weapon, they're all dead!"

Jack and I smiled, as we did a three way fist bump, before getting up, and running back the way we came. As we were running, a pillar of fire came from the ceiling, about hitting me. Luckly, Jack grabbed my arm, and pulled me away in time. When I put my hand out to where I was standing, the pillar erupted once again.

"It's like it detects us!"

I noticed something though. I took my phone out of my pocket, and slid it down the floor. And just as I suspected. The fire didn't reach, at the way down to the floor, allowing a small space to push through.

"What are you-"

"There's enough room for us to slip through without being burned."

"You can't be serious?! We'll get fried to a crisp!"

"Jack. It's the only way! Look! I'll go first!"

A got down on to the floor, and laid on my front side, and soldier crawled underneath the fire. After I made it through, I stood back up, and picked up my phone.

"It's easy! Just try it."

Kyle shrugged, and did the same thing.

Jack just stared at us from behind the blaze.

"Come on dude! Hurry up, before they find us!"

He frowned, before getting down on his stomach, and crawling underneath. After he made it through, Kyle extended his hand. Jack grabbed it, and pulled himself up.

"See. Not that bad. And we see anymore torches in the ceiling, we just do the same thing!"

He nodded reluctantly.

Meanwhile, at the mansion.

Richard was pacing back and forth, as he was talking on the phone.

"And you're sure you haven't seen him?"

He sighed, clutching his fist.

"Okay. Thank you!"

He slammed the phone down on the table, and sat down, frustrated.


Jezebel was holding back her tears, trying not to cry.

"This is all your fault!"

He looked up in shock.

"My fault?! Excuse me?!"

"You heard me! If you hadn't said those awful things, then maybe Joe would still be here!"

"Look. Honey! I'm sorry."

He got up, and walked over, and tried talk to her, only to be back handed.

"Stay away from me!"

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