Chapter 9: Futurecorp Industies

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"So. It seems that Panther got away, yet again." The director said, with disappointment on his face.

"Yes. But she took out all of us!" Lust argued.

The director was silent for a moment.

"I see... Well I can't say I'm too suprised. She's a sneaky one. But regardless, it seems that capturing super villains really isn't your strong suit, is it?"

"What?! How dare you?!" Greed yelled from across the table.

Wrath growled, and Envy started to tear up, while Gluttony secretly eating hands.

"But, wait! We can do better! Just give us a chance!" Pride begged.

"Pride, just let him do his job, so we can do ours." Said Sloth, impatiently.

The director took a file out of his jacket, and slid it down the table to Greed.

"Your next targets are all in that folder. I'm giving you only wanted criminals this time. So no fucking up again, am I clear."

"Yes, sir." Greed said, reluctantly.

We all left the conference room, and entered the elevator. As it closed, Lust looked at me.

"Joe! I thought I made it perfectly clear that you were to stay out of our missions!"

"Lust, honey. Give the kid a break. He's had a long night. We all have." Said Greed.

"Well alright. But we're still discussing this later, mister!"

Once we got down to the bottom floor, we exited the building, and hopped into the limo, and headed back to the mansion. The Sins had one of their important meetings in the living room. And obviously, I was sent upstairs, to go to bed.

"Sigh. We need to come up with a plan!" Said Greed.

"I know! I'm going to look for leads on Panther as soon as possible. Just give me time." Said Sloth.

"Ugh! I didn't think fighting villains would be this difficult. After all, we we're villains once!"

"It's okay honey! Let's go upstairs, and get some quality time!" Lust said, winking.

"Oh baby! You always know how to get me going!"

Greed and Lust got up, and walked toward the stairs.

"Goodnight kids!" Lust said, as they ascended the staircase.

Wrath got up, and headed towards the foyer.

"I'm hungry." Gluttony said, going towards the kitchen.

"Guess it's just you and me!" Envy said, looking at Sloth.


Sloth got up, and headed towards the staircase.

"Aww! Why doesn't anyone wanna be with me?"

I layed in bed all night, tossing and turning. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the nightclub. I turned on the lamp, and looked at my right arm. It was cut up really badly from when Panther scratched me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Both Binary Bard, and Panther got away without even a trace. Baphomet City is gonna be really dangerous with a bunch of evil villains on the loose. Especially if no one can stop them. After enough tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep. Three hours later, my alarm went off.

"Ugh... Really? Right when I started to sleep..."

In about an hour, I was at school. I was sitting with Jack, and Kyle, watching some gaming livestreams.

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