Chapter 18: The Red Light District

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"So. Panther attacked your mansion personally?" The Director asked.

"Yes. She murdered over thirty high school boys in our own house, while the kids were having a party." Lust said.

"I see. And as you had mentioned before, the parents of these boys plan to press charges?"


The Director rubbed his chin in thought.

"Interesting. Well. If you can capture Panther and and bring her in, let's just say that I'll be able to clear all of the trouble you've gone through tonight. But, only when you have defeated her, will I do this. After all, this is lots of money I'm throwing away.

"Wait. Director. You mean you're just gonna bribe people into staying quiet?" I asked.

"Oh poor child. This is the most corrupted city around. The name Baphomet itself means Satan. It fits such a corrupt and sinful place quite well, doesn't it?"

I was quiet for a moment.

"But fear not. That is why VIRUTUE exists. To cut that corruption at it's very roots."

"I guess now we just need to find Panther! Greed said.

We went back to the mansion, everyone was still in costume. Lust, Pride, Wrath, Envy, and Gluttony were training, while Greed and Sloth were looking for leads.

"I see. So there are no sightings at all? Well okay then." Greed said, hanging up his phone.

Sloth was on his newly upgraded laptop searching the internet.

"Ugh! It's hopeless!" Sloth said, frustrated.

"Why? What's wrong."

"I've been searching for hours, day and night! And nothing."

"Sloth. There has to be something. I doubt she's left the city."

"But everywhere I look, there's always nothing. Even on the dark web, which is basically the hub for criminal activity!"

I sighed and looked down. I felt useless. In every situation we've been in, I've done nothing to help. Sure I was there with Sloth in the sewer. But other than that, I've been nothing more than a cheerleader. Suddenly my phone started ringing. It was Jack. I walked into the other room, and answered it.


"Dude! What am I gonna do?!"

"Huh? Do what? What's wrong?"

"My mom! She missing!"

"Wait? What?!"

"Yes! Ever since I left for the party. I haven't seen her since!"

"Dude. Just go to the police, and file a missing person's report!"


I hung up. I just couldn't take it anymore. With the incident yesterday, and everything that's happened, I just couldn't take it. The stress was just too much. I walked outside and into a small fighting dojo. Inside, Wrath was completely destroying the targets, and the dummies. Her hair had turned white, and her eyes blood red. Suddenly, she let out a massive shriek, which sent me flying into a wall. I fell down, limp, and tried to stand back up. When I got up, she was starring at me with an enraged expression, but her hair and eyes returned to normal, and the red veins started to disappear into her skin.

"What do you want?!" She yelled.

"Nothing. I was just stressed. So I just wanted to watch you fight."

"Hmph. I just finished up!" She said, taking off her red mask, and running her hands through herblong blonde hair, before sitting down next to me.

She looked at me, and her face had little expression of anger, which is something I've never seen.

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