Chapter 19: Panther's Attack

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Three days have passed since The Seven Sins attacked Panther's Hidout. Because of her fox demon powers, mom healed extremely quickly. But dad on the other hand was mortally wounded. He was actually still in the hospital. Someone else I'm very worried about is Jack. His mom has been missing for four days, and he isn't dealing with it too well. We were all at the hospital with dad. Although the injuries are extremely bad, doctors said he was gonna pull through. Mom and Alex were holding dad's hands as he layed in bed, unconscious. Marvin was looking out the window, down at the city. I walked up to him, and just stood there. Before I could say anything though, he spoke.

"It's okay Joe."

"Wait? What?"

He turned around and smiled.

"You did your best. A normal human can't go up against super villains like those. But one think I can definitely say about you, is that you are brave! You never turned and ran. Even when things got tough! Some times. Taking cover isn't a bad thing."

He put his hand on my shoulder.

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I hugged him, and struggled, as the tears were falling down my face. He patted me on the back.

Suddenly, mom got a call. It was from the director. She wiped her tears before answering it.


"Where the hell are you?! Get down to my office! NOW!"

She hung up the phone before wiping her tears again.

"I'll be back in a little while..." She said, before grabbing her purse and walking towards the door.

Somewhere else

Panther woke up, in strange machine. She looked around, and saw several scientists working in the lab she was in.

"Where am I?" She said, rubbing her eyes.

"Ahh! The subject is awake."

Her eyes widened to see a bald, chubby albino man walk in. He had his eyes covered by red lab goggles.

Panther narrowed her eyes.

"All systems are go! Commencing countdown!

"All preparations are complete for the next phase!" The albino scientist said.

"Good! Now then it's time to set that phase in motion!" Milton said, as he walked in next to him.

"An interesting specimen you have here, boss."

"Indeed!" Said Milton, narrowing his eyes.

"YOU! How DARE YOU?!" Panther said, clawing at the glass.

"Dr. Xenostrom! Subject has become hostile!"

"Initiate gas protocol!" The albino scientist said.

Suddenly, a red gas began filling the machine.

Panther growled as the she began choking on the gas.

"Oh ho ho ho!" Active mind control sequence!" Xenostrom said, laughing.

Suddenly, red lasers began firing inside the machine. Panther's screams could be heard as the experiment was happening.

Meanwhile, at VIRTUE.

Jezebel walked into the director's office. He looked none too pleased to see her. She pulled the chair out, and sat down.

"What the hell were you thinking! In a situation like this, I or an executive need to be informed immidently if something happens! And you wait three days to respon?!"

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