Chapter 5: Standing Up

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My alarm actually want off this morning, unlike the events of yesterday. Not that it would have mattered anyways. I sighed, and pushed the off button.

"Ugh. Another day in paradise." I said picking myself up.

After getting dressed, and brushing my teeth, I picked up my phone and sat on the bed. I had about fifteen minutes to play around. As soon as I opened up my browser though, there was a video thumbnail titled "Breaking News"

Out of curiosity, I opened the thumbnail, and it took me to the channel 7 news.

"Breaking news. Last night, an explosion occurred in one of Futurecorp Industries' laboratories. Police are currently investigating the scene. The identities of those involved in the attack are currently unknown, however, this is not expected to have an effect on current research being done at the labs" The clip ended.

I walked down stairs, and mom was waiting for me.

"Hi sweetie. How'd you sleep?"

I was kinda silent after last night. I saw a lot more than I should have after all...

"I'm fine. Just ready for school to be over with."

"Yeah. I get that. But you shouldn't go wishing your life away."

After dropping me off, I walked up the stairs, and sat down in the cafeteria, once I had gone inside. Still had no friends, or anyone who even wanted me for that matter. I decided to head to the gym early today, with nothing better to do. I was going through my homework, organizing everything, when suddenly, I had a basketball hurled at me, hitting me in the face. With no surprise at all, it was Marcus.

"Hey scrawny Joe! What's up?"

"What the fuck is your p-"

He punched me in the face. After that, he started laughing like a coyote.

He began walking away, but only to pick up the basketball again, and hurdle it at me. But this time, I caught it, and threw it back. Marcus dodged to the side.

"Oh, you're about to get it now, you little bitch!"

Unfortunately for me, I had the shit beaten out of me, with all the jocks, including Marvin just watching. Marvin was laughing his ass off about it, until he took a closer look, and saw who the unfortunate victim was. Marvin's smile faded, and after Marcus was done with me, he turned around, walking toward the locker room.

Marvin, embarrassed, tried to disregard what just happened, and went back to playing basketball. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had a black eye, a busted lip, I got blood on my hoodie, and I got my jaw hit pretty hard. I can't even believe it. Marvin just stood and watched.

After gym, Marvin walked into the locker room, and found Marcus, and the others, dressing out of their gym clothes.

"Yo! Marv! What's your deal today bro? You've been pretty quiet. What's up with you bruh?"

Marvin sighed.

"What was up with that kid you beat up?"

"Aw nothing bruh. Just a stupid freshman. That's all. Those freshman need to be put in their place, That's all."

"Right..." He said walking away. Still too scared to tarnish his reputation."

As the the day went on, I found it a little hard to walk. During math class was the worst.

"Anyway class. Before we dismiss, I want you to look over to your left, and look at the kid right there. Joe over here is what we call a failure. Don't end up like him. Anyway. Y'all have one hundred equations to solve for homework. And don't forget we have a pre unit test tommorow, which will count as ten percent of your grade. Now get going!"

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