Chapter 10: King Of The Rats

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"Come to me my babies..." A deep creepy voice said, in a dark sewer passage way.

All of a sudden, thousands of squeaks could be heard throughout the sewers.

Late night at a bank, two security guards were sitting at the front desk.

"Ugh! I don't get paid enough for this!"

"We have our orders."

"Oh yeah? Why did we get tranfered to here though?! I hate this damn city!"

"Ugh. Stop bitching, and just do your job." The second gaurd said.

About a minute later, an awful stench filled the room.

"Oh god! I think I'm gonna puke!"

Then out of nowhere rats began appearing, one after another.

"Holy shit! Get your gun."

In the center of the swarm of rats appeared a figure wearing a brown top hat covering his face, and a brown trenchcoat.

"Freeze! Right where you are." A guard said, as they both pointed their guns.

"Go my babies... Kill them..."

The rats eyes charged at the guards, swarming around all over them. The rats then began forcing their way into the guards' mouths, one after another entering, until both of their heads exploded. Rats then charged over to the safe, and somehow managed to chew through the door, breaking the lock. The man opened the door, leading to the inside of the safe, filled with money.

"Ahh. Yes..." He said, walking in.

The rats then headed toward the sewer, and went down the sewer drain one after another, until they all were gone, leaving the two guards dead bodies, laying on the ground in a pool of blood.

Back at the mansion, dad was asleep in bed with mom, when all of a sudden, his phone rang. He opened his eyes, rubbing them, before picking up the phone.

"Who the hell could be call this late at night?!"

"It's the director. There's trouble. Super villain trouble. Get down to my office, ASAP!" He said before hanging up.

Dad, sighed, getting out bed.

"Where are you going, baby?"

"Super Villain!" He replied, impatiently.

Mom had a worried expression on her face.

Greed and Lust drove down to the VIRTUE federation offices, and walked into the director's office.

"This better be good!" Greed said, impatiently.

"Well, lucky for you, it is. An old dormant super villain known as Ratlord, has reappeared in Baphomet City."

"Eww! Rats!" Lust reacted.

"Sigh... Afraid so. The Baphomet City Bank was just robbed by Ratlord, and his army of thousands of sewer rats, killing two security gaurds, and making off with almost eight million dollars.

"But wait! I thought you didn't trust us with stopping villains anymore. After, the whole thing with Panther."

"Well. I don't really I have much of a choice in the matter, this time!" He said, sliding the file down the table to Greed, and Lust.

Within a few hours, I got up, got ready, and went to school. I was half asleep at the lunch table, waiting for Jack and Kyle. That's when happened to look to my right, and saw Madeline, sitting alone, at another table.

Once again, I cautiously walked over, and sat next her. To my suprise, she looked at me with a blank expression, instead of her usual infuriated one. She even seemed a little relaxed, which is not usual for her at all. Completely exhausted, I layed my head down, and went to sleep. I woke up to a tap on the shoulder. It was Jack, and Kyle. Jack had a awkward smile on his face. I looked over next to me, saw Madeline's face was bright red with anger.

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