Chapter 17: The Party

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The same dream keeps haunting me. Over and over. This time though, I was in a dark forest running from something, or someone... I stopped at a tree to catch my breath, but I knew I should have just kept running. That's when it happened. A tall figure, holding a knife stood over me. He shoved me to the ground, and smirked, as I watched the knife come closer and closer. The next thing I remember. It was all dark. But a voice could be heard.

"Suffer!" It said, over and over again. It was my father's.

I imminently woke up. I just layed there, with my eyes open. I was too afraid to shut them again. Five minutes later, my alarm went off. I pressed the button, and got up. After getting ready, I rushed downstairs, and Winston drove me to school. In the cafeteria, Alex, Grace, and Marvin were inviting people for their party.

Jack and Kyle walked up to Alex and Grace.

"So, party?" Jack said, trying to flirt.

"Ugh! Could you be anymore of a freak!" Grace said.

"Come on sis! What's the harm in inviting them?"

"Yeah! What she said."

"Fine! You can come...."

Jack grinned and walked away waving.

Grace rolled her eyes before walking away, with Alex following her.

The day went by pretty slow, amnd as usual, I ended up getting ten tons of homework.

When I got back home, I was suprised to see that place was covered in party decorations, and Marvin was senting up tables and chairs, while Grace, was putting up streamers, and reorganizing the living room. Alex was about to steal piece of cake, until Leonard rolled in, stopped her.

"Damnit Alex! No cake!"

"But it looks soooo gooood!"

"I really don't care. If I see you touch it again, I'm gonna beat you." He said, as he rolled away.

Alex went to touch it again.

"ALEX!" He yelled from far away.

She pouted, and sat down.

"Alright. All that needs to be done now, is to put the disco ball up." Grace said.

"Wha- Disco ball? What is this, the seventies?"

"Look! The Silvermans party had a disco ball. And ours HAS to have everything theirs did. We HAVE to be better!"

"Yeah. Well, I don't need to be known as the disco guy at sch-"

"Just put up the fucking disco ball!"

"Ugh! Fine!"

I walked up stairs, and down the hallway to Madeline's room. She was laying on the bed reading.

I poked my head through the door.

"Hey. How are you."

"Annoyed. Pissed. About the same as usual."

I opened the door, and slid through.

"What's wrong?"

She sat up, and aggressively put the book on the nightstand.

"It's infuriating that those idiots are celebrating when we have a real problem happening here!"

"You mean Binary Bard?"

"Yes! Look at all the damage they've caused already! They even used Ratlord to do their biding! And because of it, the downtown area is laying under rubble! It just pisses me off! They have the audacity to hide behind a bunch of damn robots!"

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