Chapter 6: Blackout

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My five day suspension had finally ended, the charges against me were dropped thanks to dad's lawyer. The police investigated and charged Marcus instead. Everything seemed to go back to normal. Marcus got expelled from school, and his reign as a bully finally ended. The school forced everyone who saw to keep quiet though, so luckily word never got out. And the only ones in my family who knew were Mom, dad, and Marvin. Today, school was cancelled due to a power outage going on across half the city. Thankfully, I was ungrounded, and I spent my morning playing videogames. I finished up the boss battle I was on, and saved, turning the system off. I decided to take a break, and go down stairs to get something to drink. When I reached the kitchen, I saw Alex had gone through litterally five boxes of Cereal.

"Sigh. You couldn't have saved me a little? That's my favorite cereal."

"I'm sorrryyy! I'm sooo Huuungrryyy!"

How annoying. One of those boxes was for me. I walked away out of frustration. Going into the living room, I saw Dad and Leonard watching the news.

"The blackout continues to spread all over Baphomet City. The cause is still unclear. Local authorities are currently investigating the situation, and we will have a report coming up, soon! Please stay tuned to the Baphomet City news for more info."

The news then switched to the weather forecast.

"Damn it! I can't get anything done with this fucking blackout. They need to hurry the hell up, and turn the power back on!" Dad complained

"Yeah. I agree. I had a massive unit exam in my AP Calculus class that I stayed up all night studying for. Now that schools cancelled, I did it all for nothing." Said Leonard.

I scratched my head.

"How's the power on here?" I asked.

"There's an auxiliary power supply in the basement. We have that running." Dad said.

"Isn't the Power Plant just outside of town?" Leonard asked

"Yeah, why?"

"Then what the fuck is taking so long?! They should have it fixed by now! Like, maybe I should go there myself, and complain!" Leonard remarked sarcastically.

"Why don't you then?" Said Marvin, raising an eyebrow.

"S- Shut up Marvin!"

"Hmm... I'll be back."

Dad got up, and head towards the stairs.

"Oh god! What have I done..."

"What do you mean?" Alex asked

"Never say shit in front of dad. Let's just say you'll give him ideas."

Honestly. Just hearing this, I bursted out laughing. Leonard gave me an annoyed look, before rolling away. I went back up to my room, not thinking anything of it. I grabbed a bag of chips that I had taken from Alex, two bottles of water, and a pack of batteries, and walked back upstairs. It was gonna be a good day. I was gonna play lots of video games. About an hour later, I fell asleep in my bed. When I woke up, I found myself in a pile of chips. Turning my head, I saw that both water bottles were empty.

"Sigh. Gotta go get some more I guess."

I feel like I'm becoming a little like Leonard. As I walked down the stairs, I saw everyone was gathered in the front foyer.

"Alright. Listen up." The VIRTUE Federation has just called. It seems we have a mission." Said dad.

"What?!" Everyone complained, except for Marvin.

"Yeah, boy! You know? I've been thinking. This hero shit may not be so bad after all!" Marvin said, flexing.

"Anyway. Now's the time I busted out these babies!"

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