Chapter 29: The Sun Shines Down

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A few days later...

"Thank you for tuning in to the Baphomet City News. I'm John Silvers. We're bringing you this special bulletin. The infamous super villain Binary Bard has been defeated, and peace has been restored to our fine city. There were many lives lost during the potentially world devastating attack. Both the citizens of Baphomet, as well as the cybernetic terrorists. With the events that occurred three days ago, The CEO, and Founder of Futurecorp Industries, Dr. Adam Sanders has decided to step down, due to his involuntary involvement in the incident. A class action law suit is currently underway against the corporation for two billion dollars worth of damages. The company executives have yet to return our phone calls. And lastly, a major parade is currently taking place in downtown Baphomet, to celebrate the four boys who stepped in to save our world."

Meanwhile, in downtown Baphomet.

I looked around, as I saw the entirety of Baphomet City applauding, and cheering for me, as I walked along the red carpet, along with Jack, Kyle who was hiding in his hood as usual, and Bao. Each of us made our way onto the stage, as the crowds were rejoicing. The Director of VIRTUE walked up on stage, and smiled at us. He turned around, and spoke into the microphone.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming. Today, we celebrate the seven heroes who ask to stay anonymous, and the four boys who put themselves in danger, to protect our world! As Director of VIRTUE, I couldn't be more proud of these young boys, who displayed great valor, and courage! And I present to each of you the highest honor I can give you. The Wings of VIRTUE!"

The crowd went wild.

The Director handed each of us a badge, and saluted us.

"I'd like to say, on behalf of Baphomet City. Thank you!"

Jack and I looked at each other, and smiled.

"I never would have imagined that I would be standing up here, getting an award, for something so great." Jack said, with a fading smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's something that I need to do. Can you help me?"

"Sure! Anything for my best friend!" I said, giving him a reassuring smile,

The Seven Sins watched the ceremony from the in crowd.

"Ugh! Why are we forced to keep ourselves secret?!" Marvin complained.

"Because you Idiot! The Director said so!"

"Ugh, that's so unfair!"

"Stop fucking complaining!" Madeline said, punching Marvin.

"Alex! Stop chewing with your mouth open!" Grace complained.

"Shut up! I'm hungry!" Alex said, with her mouth full.

Mom, and Dad were holding hands as they were watching.

"That's our little boy!" Mom said.

"It certainly is. And now that it's finally over. How's about you and me get golden tonight?" Dad said.

"Oh! You read my mind, Mr Money!"

A few hours later, Jack and I arrived at the Baphomet City Jail. Jack was visiting with Panther, who was being held there.

"What exactly do you want?" She asked.

"I don't even know who you are. I always thought you loved me. But this who time, it was all a lie. And you only hate me for being a boy. If you hate men so much, then why did you even adopt me?"

"Hmph. I owe you nothing. I don't have to explain myself. Not to a little parasite like you!"

Jack stayed silent for a moment.

"You know what, Panther? I forgive you. I'm not going to hold a grudge. You're gonna rot in here for the rest of your miserable life, but I'm gonna make the most of mine! I'm not going to turn out like Milton, or you!"

Panther was absolutely silent after that.

Afterwards, I made it back home, and went up to my room. I have to say. It feels good to be back. As I looked around the room, I noticed one of my most prized possessions. A picture of my biological mother and I. I couldn't help but shed a tear, and smile at the same time...

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