Chapter 11: Fight For Glory

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It's Saturday. Which means I stick to my favorite weekend routine. Sleeping late, and playing videogames. I sat in my bed, and played my handheld system until about eleven o'clock. Then, I took a quick shower, got dressed, and went downstairs. In the living room, I spotted Leonard, who was clearly frustrated, as he was tinkering with some gadget he made.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Ugh! Dad's just being annoying. He's constantly pestering me over finding out shit about the villains that we aren't even supposed to be going after!" After a little more fildling with the device, he got it to flash red for some unknown reason. That's when he rolled away, towards the hall. I followed him. When I got to where he was, he had dropped the device in the toilet, and flushed it. Both of us watched as the device swirled around and around, until finally doing down.

"Was it that bad, that you couldn't just throw it away?" I asked.

"What? No! It's a tracker, with a waterproof camera inside. Since this "Ratlord" guy started causing mayhem, dad's been making me do all the work finding him. But I'd rather do nothing."

"Well, you all Sloth and everything."

He nodded.

"Well. I'm off to bed. If that tracker picks up any suspicious activity, I'll get notified." He said, before rolling away, as usual.

Dad was up in his office, going through everything he could find on the three villains that have attacked recently. He put his head down, and sighed.

That's when mom walked up to the open door, naked, with only a towel.

"Knock knock, big boy!" She said playfully.

"Not now honey. I'm busy."

"Oh my God, Richard! You never want to have sex anymore, why?!"

"Look! I've been under at lot of stress lately! Just leave me alone!" He yelled.

"Fine! Go back to obsessing on your precious money then!" She said, dropping her towel.

When she turned around she saw Leonard, who was horrified. I walked back upstairs at the wrong time, just to see, well, EVERYTHING. Before I even knew it, we were running down the hallway from a naked asian lady, who was chasing us.

"Comeback here, boys! I'm sorry!"

"Oh god! OH GOD!" Leonard said, rolling as fast as he could, with me following.

"What do we do?!"

"Wait! Grab on!" He said.

I grabbed on to the handles of the wheelchair, and all of a sudden, rockets came out of the wheels, and launched us through the big front upstairs window. We took of through the sky with the rocket powered wheelchair.

Alex and Grace were walking back to the mansion just in time to see Leonard and I blasting off.

"Mom's naked again, isn't she?" Grace asked.

"Uh huh! Alex replied, stuffing her mouth with human fingers.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead, hanging onto the wheelchair tightly.

"So, what now?"

Leonard shrugged.


"Hell, yeah!"

We flew of towards the arcade.

Meanwhile somewhere else, in the mountains, Panther and her girls were following the cyborg.

"Ugh! How much further is this place!" A girl complained.

"Shut up!" Panther ordered.

"Oh no worries. It's just overhere!" The cyborg says, walking over to a boulder."

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