Chapter 2: Family Bonding

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On our way to the arcade, Leonard was clearly annoyed by Grace fixing her hair. I was just looking out the window. Amazed that I moved from a mostly suburban area, to a big city. There were so many people and buildings. It was... different, but nice.

"So Joe? What games you into?" Leonard asked me.

Before I could answer however, Grace interrupted.

"Ugh! Are we going to the arcade again?!" Grace complained.

"Grace. No one invited you. Stop complaining." Leonard said, trying to focus.

"Ugh! God! What a fucking nerd!"

There was a moment of silence.

"So, what's the family like?" I asked, curiously.

"Well. Dad loves money. Almost more than anything else. Mom is sort of into adult things, and actually owns a whore house. Marvin is an egotistical, and cocky boxer. Madeline has extreme anger issues. Alex does nothing, but eat ALL the time. And Grace over here gets jealous over EVERYTHING!"

"Yeah. And Leonard is a lazy bum!" Said Grace, with an attitude.

"Shut up Grace!"

"Go suck a cock bitch!"

Leonard stopped the car.

"Get out!"

"You can't just-"


Grace glared with an attitude gets out of the car, giving Leonard the middle finger, and slams the door shut.

"What a bitch." Leonard said, stepping on the gas.

I was a little horrified. Is he really just gonna leave our little sister like that?

"Anyway, So what's your story?"

I composed myself and looked at him "Well. I've been in an orphanage since I was seven. My dirtbag father killed my mother."

"Oooofff. I'm so sorry to hear that. Baphomet City? Am I right?"Leonard cringed

"Yeah... But I'm over it now. What about you?"

"Well. I've been in the foster care system for quite a while as well. All my 'Families' kept bringing me back. Apparently I was too lazy, or some shit. Anyway. The Golds adopted me when I was eleven. Been along for the ride ever since." He said, pulling into a packing lot.

Leonard parked the car, and turned it off. We got out, and he grabbed his wheelchair, and unfolded it, before sitting down.

"Ahh! That's better! That whole standing thing is just not for me...Anyway, let's go play some games!" He said, before wheeling away.

"Hey wait up!"

Meanwhile, back at the mansion,

Richard was in his office, signing paperwork, when the phone rang. He looked the screen. The contact name was "VIRTUE"

"God damn it! What do you want?!" He said, before hitting accept.

"Hello Richard. So everything is ready for your redemption plan." A man's voice said.

"Ugh! Already?! I thought we agreed that you'd at least give us a week's notice?" Richard said, highly frustrated.

"Well, what can I say? Beggars can't be choosers. After all, We need heroes. You don't want to spend the rest of your life rotting in a prison cell for all your crimes do you?" The man chuckled.

"No sir." He groaned rubbing his head in frustration

"Good. Now It'd be best if you let your family know what they're gonna be doing. But if I were you, I'd leave out the in depth details. Also. Might wanna leave "Deadly" out of the name. Not very heroic, is it?"

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