Chapter 3: First Day

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I was running down the hallway of a burning building. I could hardly breathe, and I was racing as fast as I could to escape. Suddenly, I heard a gunshot behind me.

"Come back here, you little brat!" My father yelled, continuing to fire at me.

I couldn't take it anymore. My chest hurt, and my legs were ready to give out at any second. That's when an explosion happened, causing a steel beam from ceiling to come down and crush me. I screamed in agony, desperately trying to free myself. I heard the footsteps of that monster come closer.

"Heh, heh. Now you die!"

He pulled the trigger.

I opened my eyes however, and realized that I was unharmed. Looking back, I saw a woman fall over, dead, from a gunshot wound to the head.

"Mom! NO!"

Full of rage, with all my night, I escaped from under the beam, and tackled that bastard to the ground. I put my hands around his throat and squeezed as hard as I could. He hit and kicked me several times, but I was still hanging on. I heard his ungodly screams of pain, and within a few seconds, blood shot out of his mouth, and hit me in the face.

I opened my eyes, wide in terror, and looked around. I was in my bed.

"It was just a dream. Thank god."

I put my head back down, and closed my eyes.

Finally six o'clock arrived and my alarm went off. I hit the button, and sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. After taking a shower, and getting ready, I grabbed my backpack, and walked downstairs. Jezebel, or should I say, Mom, was waiting for me.

"Good morning Joe! You all ready for school?" She said, wearing a rather revealing robe.

"Yeah. Isn't the limo driver gonna drive us?"

"Actually. Your siblings have somewhere they need to go, so he'll drive them. But I'll take you."

"Oh. Okay..."

We walked out into the garage, and mom started the car. I opened the door, and sat down, putting my seat belt on. It was a quiet ride to school. I was still a little freaked out about the dream I had. And more importantly, what I did in the dream...

Before I knew it, the car stopped. I looked out the window, and saw lots of other students walking around, or hanging out.

"Alright sweetie! Have a good day! I love you!" She said kissing me on the cheek.


I was so embarrassed. What if someone else saw?!

"I'm sorry Joe. I just love you. That's all..."

I grabbed my bag, and got out of the car.

"Damn that chick has big watermelons!" One of the upperclassmen said.

I walked up the stairs and into the building. There were several crowds hanging out. Including my siblings. Grace was with the average kids. Alex was hanging with some fat kids, stuffing their faces with food. Leonard was playing cards with some nerds. Marvin was arm wrestling with the jocks. And Madeline was hanging with the popular girls oddly enough. I was a little overwhelmed, and very frustrated at the same time. I opened my bag and checked the schedule Mom gave me.

First Period: Gym
Second Period: History
Third Period: Math
Fourth Period: English
Fifth Period: Music
Sixth Period: Art
Seventh Period: Science

It's funny how I start with my least favorite class, and end with my favorite. I rolled my eyes. Guess I have something to look forward to at least.

I walked into the gym, about five minutes before seven o'clock, and was suprised to see Marvin. It was wierd we had a class together.

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