Chapter 14: Hangout

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About a week had past since the fieldtrip to Futurecorp. It was everything I expected it to be. Even more. Trying to forget about what happened to Leonard's computer, I went on with my bussiness. Well I wish it was that easy. Third period had rolled around.

Mr Greene slammed my progress report down on the desk. I looked at it, and was a bit freaked out over what I saw.

"What?! An F?!"

"It's not like you ever do anything in this class. What were you expecting?"

"B-but- I turn my homework in every day! I study for every test, and-"

"Oh, shut up Joe! Don't act like you don't have someone else doing the work for you."

"Wait, how did you-"

He rolles his eyes.

"Almost all of these slackers do the same thing. But at least they are smart." He said, as he walked back towards his desk.

I wanted the litterally punch him. He had no right giving me an F!

After the bell rang, I got up, grabbed my stuff, and rushed out before I did something that was really stupid. Lunch rolled around, and I was sitting by myself. Jack was re-taking a test, Kyle was in detention for pulling the fire alarm during second period. How could things, get any worse? I really shouldn't have said that. Because as soon as I looked up, Alex was sitting right in front of me.

"Gah! What the hell Alex!"

"What?" She asked with a full mouth.

Even better, as soon as she swallowed, she let out a massive burp, that practically shook the entire school.

"Alex!" I yelled, embarrassed, as everyone in the cafeteria was starring at us.

But, that wasn't the worst part. I looked down on my hand, and saw something truly disgusting.

"What the fuck?!"

"Oh. That's just my tapeworm."

I got up, and ran to the bathroom, screaming like a little girl. When I was in there, I obsessivly washed my hands over and over again. And reach for some hand sanitizer, to top it off. I even rubbed my face with the hand sanitizer, I was thag freaked out. Lunch was over, and when I was in sixth period, everyone was chuckling while I was trying to draw. I turned around and looked at the table behind me. They looked back and and started breaking out in laughter even more.

"What the hell is so funny?"

Grace laughed.

"You! You're all over social media. With that video from lunch, with Alex."

She pulled it up on her phone, and showed me. I was livid. Not only did she embarrass me in the cafeteria, but she humiliated me in front of the whole school! The day finally ended. I got a text from mom saying she was running late. As I was walking a bunch of senior football players smacked me on the back of the head as they were walking. To make matters worse, when I got outside, everyone was laughing at me. I did my best to keep my composure, but it didn't last long. I ran down the stairs, and hid from the crowd of laughing people.

"Hey Joe!" Alex said, who was right next to me.

"You! You did this to me!"

She had a confused look on her face.

"Wait. What?"

"Ugh! I hate you!" I said, walking away from her.

She shrugged it off, and continued stuffing her face as usual.

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